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This one was suggested by the amazing StarGalaxy2020 so yeah!

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Me and Sabre get Galaxy Steve back, and I smile softly at Galaxy Steve. He hug me, and I hug him back, blushing. "I got to go back to my world," Sabre says as me and Galaxy Steve pull away from the hug. 

We both bid Sabre goodbye, and soon some yellow words flash across the corner of my screen, saying, 'FavreMySabre left the game.' I smile softly at Galaxy Steve, and he smiles back, blushing softly. 

I blush, just from seeing him blushing, and then I smile at him brightly. 

Then, he kisses me.

I kiss him back, letting my fingers run through his soft, galaxy colored hair. His left hand gingerly rests on my hip, while his right hand rests on the small of my back. The kiss lasts for about 45 seconds, before we both pull away, gasping for air. 

"I missed you, Galaxy Steve..." I whisper and he smiles softly. "I missed you too; and I love you," he says, and kisses my cheek. 

"I love you too," I say, hugging him tight. 


Cousins are here, I feel kinda bad in general with some self doubt and stuff, but yeah. I'll be updating a lot in the morning at least!

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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