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I haven't watched Steve Saga or Steve Saga Origins in about two weeks, so I'm catching up on it but this one episode gave me this idea. 

~Blue Steve's POV~

"Blue Steve! Please don't do this! He'll destroy you!" Rainbow Steve continues to plead for me to let him out, so he can protect me. But I don't need protected, he does. Rainbow Steve needs to stay safe, for me and everyone else in the Steve Realm. 

"I will do whatever it takes to make sure you're okay Rainbow Steve, you have to stay alive," I say calmly, not able to even look at him. I face Nightmare Steve as I talk, because I know I could never see the look on Rainbow Steve's face. If only I didn't take that walk... I think to myself as I look at the destruction Nightmare Steve caused, where the End Crystal used to hover. 

"Blue Steve! No!" Rainbow Steve shouts at me, and I feel my heart tear apart. I play the card of the helper, as well as the best friend, but how am I supposed to also play the one who loves him? I can't, because Rainbow Steve was created for us all to help him be able to save every last Steve, and we're supposed to risk our life to make sure he can. So that's what I got to do.

I turn around, tears burning my eyes. "I love you, Rainbow Steve..." I whisper, and he looks at me in shock. "If you love me then why are you doing this?! If you love me, then you wouldn't be putting me through the pain of being able to loose you!" Rainbow Steve shouts, tears streaming down his face. 

"I love you too Blue Steve! I don't want to loose you!" he yells, but I have to turn my back to him. 

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, and then walk towards Nightmare Steve. I ignore all his screams and protests for me to stay and not go towards Nightmare Steve, and do what I have to.

"Nightmare Steve, I will not let you get to Rainbow Steve! You can fight me, you can kill me, but you can't hurt Rainbow Steve," I say sternly, and he just has a evil smirk on his face. "Y'know what, I want to make both you and Rainbow Steve suffer a little longer. So, I'll spare you.. for now... Goodbye," Nightmare Steve says and then leaves. 

Rainbow Steve continues to bang on the door, and I finally give in and let him out, seeing as Nightmare Steve left. He runs over, and then hugs me tight. Then, he punches me. Hard. "What do you think you were doing?! You could've gotten killed! And I would've had to watch it!" Rainbow Steve shouts, and I sigh.

"I had to protect you though.. I wouldn't be able to bare the sight of seeing you be destroyed..." I say softly, and tears continue to form in my eyes.

"And neither could I! But I almost had to because of you locking me in there!" he yells at me, and then hugs me. He cries against my chest, and I just pat his back and hug him back. "I-I'm sorry..." I say softly, and then he looks up at me. I feel guilty, for being the reason tears are streaming down his face.

Without thinking, I lean down and my lips touch his forehead, making him blush softly. I blush as well, and he smiles at me. Then, he leans forward and our lips meet halfway. Fireworks go off around us, the feeling filling myself with happiness. For a little while the kiss lasts, before we pull away. 

I wipe the tears from Rainbow Steve's eyes, and look down at him. "I'm so sorry..." I whisper. He smiles weakly. "It's okay... I love you.." he whispers softly, and I smile. "I love you too.." 


Should I make this a fanfic one day?--

Also, 666 wordssssss--

Cookie Da' Queen~

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