
793 31 13

I didn't have the list of requests today at school, so I did the next best thing: told my friends to choose two names

~Positive Steve's POV~

A bunch of lightning starts spawning on me, draining my weak powers and all my energy. I weakly look up, seeing Rainbow Steve flying above me, spamming lightning on me. I fall down onto the ground, my energy completely abandoning me. 

Some footsteps rush towards me, and I feel my body being scooped up. I slowly open my eyes, seeing Negative Steve, my brother, being the one carrying me. I bury my face into his chest and he rushes to our hidden house, swinging the door open and then slamming it shut. He gently lays me down on the bed, and I groan from the agonizing pain. 

Negative Steve sighs and grabs our emergency healing potion from the brewing stand. He puts the bottle to my lips, and I slowly gulp down the foul tasting potion. I cough from the awful taste, sitting up and making my body ache. The pain already loosens up, not being as bad as it was but still making my body sore. He lets out a sigh of relief when I sat up on my own, and he hugs me tightly.

"I was worried about you!" he shout at me, worry filling his voice. Unlike his normal, negative emotions; he is showing the type of emotions I'm typically full of. 

I hug him back, crying softly from the pain. He gently pulls away, and he wipes the tears from my eyes with his thumb. His gentle touch makes me blush softly. 

He chuckles, and then presses his lips gently against my forehead. After that, a slight pink blush is on his face. "You should get some rest..." he says and helps me lay back down. 

"Stay with me?" I whisper, not wanting to be alone. 

"A-Alright," he says, getting into the bed with me. I hug him, ignoring the screaming pain my body is filled with. "I love you, brother," I whisper and he kisses my forehead again.

"I love you too..."


Oof, this was fun ^^

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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