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Requested by kaileebear7 and yeah! She didn't specify what series she wanted, so I did a series I haven't had much mention to much in this book.

~Sabre's POV~

Me and Shark run around the daycare building, playing freeze tag with everyone else. Ryan, Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn all got tagged by Shark, and I'm the only one left. "Come on Sabre, save us!" Goldy shouts at me, and everyone else cheers. "Come on Sabre, just let me tag you and this game will be over!" Shark says, trying to trick me into letting him tag me. 

"Not a chance!" I shout and run over to Ryan, unfreezing him. Ryan smiles, and then we both run. Shark now seems to be targeting me, seeing as he's ignoring Ryan and just going straight for me.

Soon I get backed into a corner, and Shark has a grin on his face. He steps towards me, making me pin myself up against a wall. Then, to my surprise, he gets closer. His arm pins me back against the wall completely to where I can't move, and then he touches my shoulder. "Tag," he says simply, smirking. I groan and roll my eyes, but my heart flutters as Shark is so close to me currently. 

Then, I don't know what I'm doing, but I lean forward and kiss him. I blush brightly, I can feel it, but at first Shark doesn't kiss back. After a moment or so though, he starts to kiss me back, and my arms wrap around his arms. The kiss lasts for a short while, before we hear someone clear their throat. When we pull away, we both turn to see Ryan, Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn standing there, all with different expressions. Goldy seems surprised, Unicorn seems shocked, Tina seems to almost sigh in relief, while Ryan is just clapping.

"I see you guys finally realized you have feelings for each other," Ryan says simply, and I blush more. I look at Shark, and he's blushing as well, but he nods. 

"I-I like you Shark," I say, my face starting to hurt from blushing so much. Shark smiles softly, kissing my cheek. "I like you too Sabre."

Then, he runs around and tags everyone, laughing. "Not fair!" Tina whines, and Shark just chuckles. "I win!" 


 I love today so far and it's only 20 minutes in--

Cookie Da' Queen~

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