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I don't think I've ever seen this ship before— Requested by Maggiebutton

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I walk through the woods, not really knowing why. My mind has been really foggy lately, so I guess maybe it's because I wanted to clear my head? I really have no idea, but nevertheless, I'm just walking through the woods.

Sabre is back in the Rainbow Town, and he tried to talk me out of going for a walk since Faceless is still around, but I eventually talked him into letting me. After all, the way I'm walking is the opposite way of where he came from.

Apparently that didn't matter though, because after a bit, something drops in front of me. All gray and black, and seeming to be wearing a top hat. My eyes widen when I realize who it is, and my breathing quickens. I go to run away, but my feet are like, rooted to the ground.

I bite my lip as he stalks closer to me, and I manage to back up some. Our eyes are locked together though, and eventually I end up running into a tree.

He steps closer though, and soon his arms are at both sides of me, pinning me against the tree to the point I can't move. A grin plays across his lips, before he swiftly presses our lips together.

My eyes widen in surprise, but I kiss back, my arms draping around his neck loosely.

The kiss lasts for about fifteen seconds before he pulls away, grinning. His fingers gently caress my cheek, and I blush from it. "I love you, my Rainbow~" he purrs, making me blush more.

"I-I love you too, F-Faceless..." I say softly, and he grins more.

"Would you like to come back to my lair?~" he purrs in my ear, and I bite my lip.

Unable to form words, I just nod, and he picks me up bridal style before carrying me off in the distance.


You know you have great friends irl when this happens-

You know you have great friends irl when this happens-

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