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Suggested by my Smol' Queen StaryQueen2008 ^^ Can y'all follow her? Please? 

~Elemental Steve's POV~

Me and Time Steve run along the field, not having a care on our minds other than being with one another. We're brothers, yes, but we both have... another type of love for each other. It didn't take long for us both to realize it, after he tripped, knocking me down to the ground with him on top of me. After that, we kissed.

"Elemental Steve! You won't catch me!" he says, not realizing I teleported in front of where he was running. I smirk, not the one that he said creeps him out, but the one he said he enjoyed seeing. Then, when he turns around, he runs straight into me. I gasp, and we both get knocked down onto the ground. "E-Elemental Steve! I didn't see you there!" Time Steve says, blushing slightly.

I chuckle, and then smile. "Looks like I caught you," I say, smirking. He blushes more, and then I do something out of my emotions taking control. I kiss him. After a moment, he kisses back, our lips slowly moving against one another's. It doesn't take long before we have to pull away, just for some air.

Time Steve is panting, while I'm just smiling at him. "I-I think I love you, Time Steve... As more than a brother..." I say softly, and he nods. "I love you too," he says, pecking my lips and then getting up, skipping off. 

"Hey! Wait up!" I smile brightly, getting up and chasing the giggling Time Steve.

Now, we don't leave each other alone. Without him, I feel completely lost. I feel like I need to be with him to be able to survive. He runs ahead of me, giggling. "Come on Elemental Steve! Hurry!" he says loudly, giggling just as loud.

Instead of teleporting to him like I did last time, I run after him, smiling brightly. It doesn't take long for me to finally catch up to him again, where I grab his arm to get him to turn around. When he does, I press my lips against his gently yet passionately, stealing another kiss from him. 

He kisses me back, smiling against my lips. My one hand rests on his hip while my other is cupping his cheek. His arms are wrapped around my neck, making the kiss last longer and be more passionate. After a little bit, we pull away, and then he sits down on the grass. I sit down next to him, just to be near him, and he smiles.

 Then, he kisses my cheek, making me blush slightly. 

"I love you, Elemental Steve..." he says and leans back, looking at the clouds that are floating by above us. I follow him, leaning back as well, smiling. "I love you too," I say, and then rest my head on my arms. 

Time Steve cuddles against my chest, soon after falling asleep. I listen to his slow breathing and soft snores, soon going to sleep as well. 


I'm sick :/ 
But leave some requests, I'll probably do them tomorrow and if not, I'm on spring break starting this weekend

Cookie Da' Queen~

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