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Nobody asked for this, but I wanted to do something special for Valentine's day, and since this is my favorite ship I am doing it

I know, it's late. I wasn't in a good mood yesterday, and so now I am here!

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Blue Steve and I agreed the day he left, that one day we would come back together and then meet in person. I heard this rumor through the Steve's that today is this holiday thing called 'Valentines day', where people give the person they love some sort of gift. Therefore, I am determined to find Blue Steve and give him a gift, because I love him! After all, he is my best friend!

I soon stumble across a swamp biome, where I grab a bunch of blue orchids. "These are perfect for Blue Steve!" I say excited to myself, seeing as not a single person is around me. I gather up around fifteen of them, and then I keep walking through the swampy area. Honestly, I don't like swamp biomes that much, so as I continue to make my way through the watery, grassy area; looking for the way out. 

Every once and a while whenever I am walking and then I stop, I hear some sounds; as if something is jumping into the water. Each time I turn around though, nothing is there. So instead of dwelling on it, I shrug it off and continue to walk my way through the biome in my search for Blue Steve. 

~Blue Steve's POV~

I follow behind Rainbow Steve carefully, holding the bouquet of colorful flowers. Every once and a while Rainbow Steve would turn around, and I would dive into the water and hide behind the trees. After a few minutes of sitting in the ice cold water, Rainbow Steve turns around and then continues to walk through the swampy area, jumping across the lily pads and cautious not to get wet himself. 

While me, on the other hand, is soaked. Soon he reaches the end of the swamp, and he goes into a forest instead. I follow close behind him, using the trees to shield my body from his view. Using the trees, I go past Rainbow Steve to get a slight bit of a lead. 

He continues to gracefully graze the ground with each and every step he takes. I blush slightly and continue to make my way through the forest, heading towards the beautiful greenhouse that I started at. 

I open the door and walk into the greenhouse, where I lean against the counter, holding the bouquet of flowers. 

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I continue to stumble through the forest, soon seeing a building made of complete glass. In awe, I slowly open the door, to see Blue Steve leaning up against a counter, holding a bouquet of colorful flowers. My blue flowers seem wilted in comparison of the beautiful flowers that Blue Steve's holding in his hands. 

He smiles brightly as I look at him in awe. "Rainbow Steve, long time no speak," he says in his calming voice that made me feel weak in the knees. 

"Blue Steve!" I explain excitedly and run over, and then I hug him tightly. He chuckles and hugs me back, and I look up at him excitedly. "Happy valentines day, Rainbow Steve," he says and kisses me softly. 

I blush a rosy red, and kiss him back. He puts the flowers into my hands, and I put my flowers in his. We hold one another's hands with the hand that isn't holding flowers as we continue to kiss one another. Soon we pull away from the kiss, both of us blushing slightly. 

"I missed you Blue Steve..." I say softly and he kisses my cheek. 

"I missed you too," he says and puts his lips down gently on mine once again.

Best. Day. Ever.


I got a 40/40 on my math thing today! For once, a good grade! Woohooo!


~KoOkIe CoOkIe (I'm in a pretty good mood rn!)

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~KoOkIe CoOkIe (I'm in a pretty good mood rn!)

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