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This is kinda rushed, I'm trying to keep my mind off something but it isn't working.. 

~Blue Steve's POV~

Me and Rainbow Steve sit down in the flower field, located in the middle of nowhere. He plays with the small, fluttering butterflies. He giggles as one lands in his hair, and then he holds his hands out. Another lands on his finger, the small legs walking across his small finger. 

I chuckle and walk towards him, holding the bouquet of wild flowers I picked moments ago. I hand it to him, and he blushes softly. "Thanks Blue Steve!" he explains excitedly and a few more butterflies land on the flowers. "I love it!" he giggles as more butterflies land on the flowers. "And it looks like they do too!"

I chuckle, and without thinking, I kiss his cheek. He blushes softly, and the second I realize what I did I blush as well. "S-Sorry about that.." I say softly and Rainbow Steve grins. "It's alright Blue Steve, mistakes happen!" he giggles and looks at the small butterflies. I nod. I mean, I do like him, but I don't know how to tell him.

After all, me and him are both guys. 

Some small rain droplets start to fall from the sky, landing on us. "Come on Rainbow Steve, let's go take shelter in that cave over there until the rain passes," I say and he nods. He runs over, carrying the bouquet of flowers in his hands with a few butterflies still not fluttering off yet. 

By the time we got to the cave, it was already starting to rain a lot heavier. He pants, not happy about running towards the cave and stumbling a few times. 

"That wasn't fun..." he huffs and crosses his arms across his chest. I sigh, both hating and loving his childish manner, and then sit down. "Don't worry, we'll find something to do in the cave until the rain passes," I say and pull out a small wool block that was made for playing games. He smiles, putting the flowers to the side and sitting on the ground as well, across from me. 

The downpour outside grows heavier, and some of the rain then comes into the cave. We both shift to where we are out of reach of the rain, and continue to play. 


After a few hours the rain finally lets up, and we both run out of the cave as soon as possible. Rainbow Steve trips, but luckily I catch him before he falls. He blushes vividly, and I bet my face looks the same. I help him up, but then afterwards he jumps into my arms and kisses me. I kiss him back, my face cherry red.

After a moment or two, we both finally pull away, and he giggles. "I love you Blue Steve!" he giggles and heads back towards where we started, before we even came to this field.


If anyone has the time, can I vent to someone? I understand if you don't have the time, but I just need to talk to someone right now...

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