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Now that I'm up I'll do this! This one was requested by DestinyTheAdmin

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

Void Steve hasn't come back in a while, so I decide to go out and adventure, and look for Sabre to explain what I'm doing or to get Galaxy Steve. That.. that traitor. First he tricks us into thinking he's actually a good guy, then he changes my voice, then he takes my best friend from me! 

Tears stream down my eyes as I continue to list things Galaxy Steve did in my mind, and I walk towards where I get a feeling that Sabre went in. I should be able to find him pretty easily, seeing as I am his best friend, unlike Galaxy Steve. A shiver goes down my spine as I think of all the cruel things that Galaxy Steve could've done to Sabre by now, and I pick up my walking pace. 

Soon my pace goes from a speed-walk, to a jog, and then into a sprint. I run through the woods, stumbling on some steps but quickly regaining myself and running through the forest. Soon I hear some lightning, and I decided to follow it. It's the closest lead I got. I run towards the direction I heard the lightning strike, and soon I see a wooden building in the distance. 

"Did Sabre build that with the traitor?" I ask myself quietly as I scout out the area. Soon I see Sabre appear, and right behind him is Galaxy Steve. Then, one strike of lightning goes off on one of the hills, and I see them both start to freak out. Sabre runs in the direction of the lightning, while Galaxy Steve runs into a small dirt hut. "What a coward.." I say and I rush my way over to the dirt hut. 

When I open the door, I see it is a long series of tunnels. "Woah.." I whisper and search for Galaxy Steve. I take out one of my sticks, and hold it tight in my hand as I look for the traitor. Soon I find him, and he is hiding in the corner as soon as he sees me. I do my evil laugh, the one that Void Steve taught me to do, and step closer to him. "Follow me," I command and break the dirt of one of the windows he's next to. 

He's shaking as he nods, following close behind me. 

~Galaxy Steve's POV~

Rainbow Steve comes into the hidden bunker, and I can just imagine who came that Sabre's with. "Follow me," Rainbow Steve says in a stern voice and I nod slowly, my body trembling slightly. I could easily overpower Rainbow Steve since I have all my powers back, but if I did I could hurt Rainbow Steve, and if he gets away he could tell Void Steve. 

Rainbow Steve breaks a dirt block and then walks out, turning around and glaring at me; getting me to follow him. Once I exit, he places the dirt block back and then he takes me into the woods. Great... I sigh to myself. 

For a while he makes me walk, following him, but at one point I stop. "Rainbow Steve! Please, listen to me," I start with, trying to reason with him. He turns around. "Please... You've missed so much since you left us, and you've made things a lot harder on Sabre. Since you left, each and every day Sabre brings you up on how we plan on getting you back. Please.. We need you.." I try reasoning and Rainbow Steve pauses for a moment, almost seeming to think about it.

"Why should I, trust a traitor like you?" He asks and sends glares at me that sting like daggers. It hurts, when someone you really care about hates you and calls you a traitor. It's like getting attacked by someone with a sword, and you have nothing but your fists.

"Because I love you!" I shout at him and he looks at me, his jaw slack. I cover my mouth as soon as I realize I said that aloud, and he then steps closer to me. He then pushes his lips up against mine, kissing me. 'Is he toying with me..?' I ask myself mentally as I kiss him back, letting our lips move against one another in sync, making me feel breathless. 

We both pull away from the kiss at the same time, due to the lack of oxygen going into my lungs, and I look into his colorful eyes. 

"I-I think... I think I love you t-too," Rainbow Steve says and then hugs me, dropping his stick on the ground. 


I'm going to try to do a bunch of posting today because so far I am in a good mood, and I stay in a good mood whenever I am writing for my pleasure. Why am I in such a good mood? Two reasons!

Today is four months since me and my best friend started actually talking, and also it is four months until my birthday! Anyway, now I'm gonna go write some more, cya!


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