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This one was suggested by TheFakeGuest123, and yeah!

~Purple Steve's POV~

I watch Galaxy Steve as he runs around under the sandwich tree with the piggles, making me blush softly. He looks around every once and a while; but before he can spot me, I teleport away.

Now, I stand on the purple grass instead of the top of the treeline. I sigh, hating the fact I can never face him without running away. 

~Galaxy Steve's POV~

A quick bolt of purple goes across from the tops of the trees to the grass under it. I sigh, knowing it's Purple Steve but not saying anything. Sometimes, I honestly wonder if he's a spy. I mean, he creepily watches me from afar, he teleports away when I look in his direction, and he never comes to face me. Is he just afraid of me?

I groan, walking towards the woods I saw Purple Steve hiding in. He tries to teleport away, but instead, he accidentally tackles me to the ground. I blush slightly, but his face is a bright red color. "S-Sorry," he stutters out, while I just smile. 

Without thinking, I pull him down into a kiss. He kisses back immediately, and it lasts for about fifteen seconds, before I pull away.

His face somehow managed to get even redder, making me blush even more. "A-Are you afraid of me..?" I ask, and he seems to snap back into reality. "O-Of course not! I-I love you!" he stutters out, making me blush so much my face actually hurts. 

"I-I love you too, Purple Steve..." I whisper, smiling softly at him. 


Legit, just got up XD 

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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