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This one was suggested by Maggiebutton and yeah! Also, I hit 413 followers! :D

 ~3rd Person POV~

Sabre and Rainbow Steve gather around the machine that Light Steve has been put into, waiting nervously for Light Steve to get ready for the machine to be turned on. Slowly, Light Steve walks into the machine, and Sabre and Rainbow Steve explain what all is going to happen. "The machine is going to be on for a little while, that way there all the Rainbow Stone can be absorbed without overpowering and hurting you, understand?" Sabre exaplains to Light Steve.

Light Steve slowly nods, not liking the thought of being transformed to Ultra Steve once again, as well as having to attack Dark Steve as Chaos Steve once again. "Do I have to..?" Light Steve asks, nervous about doing all of this. Rainbow Steve and Sabre both nod, feeling bad for the young Steve for having to go against someone as old and as evil as Dark Steve.

"It's for the best, Light Steve," Sabre explains. "Without you becoming Ultra Steve, Rainbow Steve and I will both probably be destroyed, and Lucas might as well, even though he isn't on right now," Sabre says, adding more pressure on the poor young Steve.

Light Steve slowly nods, hating the idea of all of this, but preparing himself for having to battle the evil and for being able to save the people he cares about. The scared, young Steve walks into the machine and gets ready for the lightning to start spawning on him the second Sabre flicks the lever. "Three... two... one!" Sabre shouts and flicks the lever, making a massacre of lightning spawn directly on top of the light colored Steve.

~Light Steve's POV~

Sabre and Rainbow Steve run far away into the distance, while the machine is making me not be able to move, all due to the redstone and the pistons. I groan as the energy from the Rainbow Stone flows into my body, making me have two different kinds of completely different energy's inside my body at the same time.

My right hand looks the same as Rainbow Steve's hand's always look, having the rainbow colored fingerless gloves. The other half of my body looks the same as it did before, not having a single thing about me change. After a few more minutes, Sabre and Rainbow Steve run over and turn the machine off, and I immediately rush out; happy to get out of the machine finally.

Rainbow Steve hugs me, happy to see I'm okay, and Sabre grins. "You should get some rest, that way there when Dark Ste-- Chaos Steve comes, you'll be strong enough to fight him," Sabre says and I slowly nod. I hate the idea of fighting Chaos Steve, even though he has tried to kill me before, because I think I like him.


"Ultra Steve! Come on, Chaos Steve is here!" Rainbow Steve shouts, pure panic in his voice. I groan, hating the idea of fighting Chaos Steve but also hating the idea of Rainbow Steve and Sabre getting hurt. I fly out of the Rainbow House, seeing Chaos Steve hovering in the air shooting fireballs at the both of us.

"Stop Chaos Steve!" I shout and he looks up at me, grinning brightly. We both fly away from the Rainbow Town, and when we are above a swamp, we both start to try to trap one another in a ball of our strongest powers.

After a while, we both start to get weak, and I think of a way to try to stop him from doing anything like destroying me. I fly in front of him, seeing flames of rage burn within his eyes, before pressing my lips against his. I notice his eyes widen, before they close and he kisses me back. My arms wrap around his neck, my hands wrapping around his surprisingly soft hair, messing with it. His rough, yet gentle, hands rest on my hips, and we continue to hover in the air, kissing.

After about 45 seconds, we both pull away, my face red from blushing. "I love you Chaos Steve..." I say softly and he smiles. A smile that is sincere, and not at all evil. "I love you too, Ultra Steve," he says and pecks my lips softly. I blush even brighter, and then he flies away, leaving me hovering there, love-struck.


Guess who is extremely happy right now!

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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