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Tbh, I hate this ship-- Requested by Chocolate_Kittty and based on the song Perfect by Simple Plan because I'm listening to it, it's fitting, and I wanna write with this song, so it'll help me with writing this--

~Hypno Steve's POV~

I spawn in somewhere new to me, but I immediately know where I am. I'm finally with Rainbow Steve and all the other Steve's that have passed. I look around, and my eyes catch someone in dark colors. "Why hello, Hypno Steve," they say to me in a voice that takes me back at first. 

I don't even bother asking what their name is, because I've heard about them before from being around for so long. "Guardian of the Spirit Realm," I say simply, nodding. 

"You kept yourself in the Steve Realm a lot longer than you should've. Though you did it for a pretty good cause, so it'll slide this once," they say. 

I shrug, looking around. "Where's Rainbow Steve?" I ask him, and he looks out to the open field. 

"He's out there, you should go see him. He's been missing you," they say, and I nod. I rush down into the field, knowing I can't fly and I don't have any of my powers here. It's all fine though, because I'm with Rainbow Steve now. That's what matters. 

I continue to rush my way that the Guardian of the Spirit Realm told me that Rainbow Steve would be, and soon I see him in the distance. I smile, an actual smile and not a grin that I'm most known for. This time, it's a smile that shows my true emotions that I'm feeling. 


Rainbow Steve turns around, his rainbow colored hair being just as I remembered it last time I saw him and he saw me. "Hypno Steve?!" he shouts, smiling brightly and running towards me as well. 

We meet in the middle from there, and we pull one another into a tight embrace. Something I thought I would never do in my life. After a moment or so, he looks up at me and smiles softly. "I missed you, even though you might not have missed me..." Rainbow Steve says weakly, looking down at the ground. 

I look at him in disbelief. I mean, yeah; I wasn't the best of people back then, but of course I missed him! "I know, I wasn't the best back then... but of course I missed you!" 

He smiles softly, though not looking up. "And do you think I'm wasting my time?" he asks me, and I look down at him, seeing as he's a lot shorter than me. "Doing things I want to do?" he clarifies, and I bite my lip softly. 

"No, of course not!" I respond back. He sighs, looking down and pulling away from the hug. 

"But it hurts when you disapproved all along..." he says in a low voice, keeping eye contact with the ground and nothing else. 

"And now I try hard to make it, I just want to make you proud..." he whispers, looking up. Tears are in his colorful, usually lively eyes. I sigh, wiping the tears from his eyes. 

"I'm never gonna be good enough for you..." I say softly, and he bites his bottom lip while looking at me. "You can't pretend that I'm alright..."

"And you can't change me," he responds back. 

"'Cause we lost it all," I say, and he nods. 

"Nothin' lasts forever..." we say at the same time. I see tears weld up in the corner of his eyes again, and I sigh. 

"I'm sorry I can't be perfect..." I say softly, hating all the awful things I did to Rainbow Steve in the past. 

"Now it's just too late, and we can't go back..." he whispers, smiling weakly at me. 

"I'm sorry I can't be perfect..." I say once again. 

"But you are perfect, Hypno Steve... You're perfect, in your own way..." he says, and I smile at him. Once again, just in this small time frame. 

Then, I lean down, and my lips meet his. To my surprise, he immediately kisses me back, his hands messing with my hair. 

It doesn't last long before he pulls away, smiling at me though. 

"I love you, Hypno Steve...." he says. I kiss his forehead gently, making him blush softly. 

"I love you too, Rainbow Steve..."


I'm tired of being sick ;-; 
But everyone, go give MaxSpades some love because they made me smile, even though I feel awful :D

Cookie Da' Queen~

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