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Requested by the wonderful RainbowSam9 (a while back) with the song Kingdom by Joey Graceffa, sO dOnT bLaMe mE fOr iT bEiNg A sOnG oNeShOt <though I love song oneshots—>

~Blue Steve's POV~

I look around, completely confused on what I should do now. Lately, everything has been going wrong, and it sucks. Nightmare Steve is more powerful than ever, and turning to be unstoppable, and Rainbow Steve has still yet to unlock all his powers.

I huff, sitting down and biting my lip. "I'm lost in the devil's garden..." I hum quietly, though nobody would hear it anyway. Rainbow Steve is back at the base asleep, and I'm legit in the middle of some thick woods.

A shiver goes down my spine anyway though, making me feel like I'm being watched. "Lately I'm feeling haunted..." I mutter, biting my lip.

I close my eyes, letting my mind wander off to wherever it wants to.

Dark Steve and Nightmare Steve chase after us, shooting fireballs at us. Nightmare Steve looks over at Dark Steve, nodding and then flying up into the sky and getting out of my field of vision.

Behind me, boy look those demons follow." My eyes shoot open, my heart pounding in my chest. I look up and see Nightmare Steve standing there with an evil grin plastered across his stupid face. A fireball hovers in his hand, and he simply leans up against the tree.

I blink, and as soon as I open my eyes again, Nightmare Steve's gone.

Then, my mind flashes back to Rainbow Steve, a smile tugging across my lips. "But you are my home..."

I don't even notice the presence of someone actually near me, just continuing to sing. "The lightning strikes our eyes in the backseat of his car."

"In this battle of new secrets," someone sings, and I instantly know who it is. Rainbow Steve.

"You're a sword straight through my heart."

"You are everything that I needed," Rainbow Steve comes over, hugging me.

"Bad timing has got me in pieces and all I know is you're in my arms," I sing, brushing his hair out of his face.

"And I'm so wrapped up in our kingdom of ours," we sing in sync, and I grin softly.

"I love you, Rainbow Steve..." I whisper softly, wanting to kiss his soft looking lips so badly.

"I-I love you too, Blue Steve..." he smiles at me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"May I kiss you?" He nods. The second I have permission, I lean down and kissing him gently. Our bodies fit together like the lost last puzzle piece, completing everything.

I rest my hands on his hips, and after a moment he pulls back. I look down at him, noticing the faint blush on his face.

I boop his nose, grinning softly. "Shall we head back to the house?" I ask, and he nods.

I grab his hand, our fingers intertwining. Together, we head back to the house, my life feeling even more complete by the moment.


That was fun! And BlueBow!!

Officer Expired Cookie~

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