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Sorry I haven't been updating that much, things keep happening and I can hardly see straight as I am writing this, but here we go. This one was suggested by TheFakeGuest123

~Red Steve's POV~

Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve jump through the portal, tricking me by not giving me my mushrooms. I growl in anger and then jump through with them, and I chase Rainbow Steve for the mushrooms. "Blue Steve!" he shouts and then tosses the mushrooms into the air, where Blue Steve catches them. I sigh in relief when I see that they didn't hit the ground, before I start to chase Blue Steve instead.

Seeing as Blue Steve is weak, it didn't take long for me to catch up to him, and I tackle him. We both hit the stone ground, him more than me seeing as I landed somewhat on top of him. A bright pink blush goes across his face, and I feel a light dusting of fuchsia go across my cheeks.

I then reach for the mushrooms, getting them from his grip. "Thank you, Blue Steve," I say as if he simply handed them to me. He blushes more, and I get off of him. After that, I hesitantly hold my hand out to help him off the ground. Rainbow Steve giggles and continues to watch us, making a blush get brighter on Blue Steve's face as I help him up. "Come on, lovebirds, seeing as Red Steve came through with us; he can help us!" Rainbow Steve explains and I groan. 

"Only if I get more mushrooms," I say and Rainbow Steve pulls out a few more. "I'm in!" I shout and Blue Steve giggles. We all look around on the island, soon spotting Dark Steve. I go to run away, but then stop myself so I will look brave in front of Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve. All three of us chase after the evil Steve, soon we get him trapped. I'm standing directly behind Blue Steve, and Rainbow Steve is on the other side of Dark Steve.

Then, Rainbow Steve throws the Anti-Steve potion onto Dark Steve, making Dark Steve scream out in agony. "You fools! You don't realize what you done! Not only did you doom me, as well as yourselves!" he shouts and then jumps into the lava. 

Rainbow Steve tried to stop him, but he knew if he did, he would've gotten dragged into the lava himself and gotten destroyed. We all then start walking around, trying to find some sort of way out of this pocket dimension thing. Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve start arguing and soon both of them go opposite ways in complete fury. 

I stand there for a moment, before I follow Blue Steve. "What do you want, Red Steve?" Blue Steve asks, annoyed. I groan, and then run until I am standing in front of him. I got to tell him... I say to myself and then inhale sharply.

"I li-like you, Blue Steve," I finally say and he stands there for a moment, blinking over and over again. "You do?" he asks me, uncertain, and I nod. Then, he jumps up into my arms and kisses me roughly. I kiss him back immediately, enjoying this more than anything else I've ever done with another Steve. 

After about 30 seconds we both pull away, and he gasps for breath. "I love you Blue Steve..." I whisper, not used to saying any of those words together in the same sentence. I mean, Red Steve's are supposed to hate Blue Steve's, but this one is different. He actually... cares. 

"I love you too..." he says softly, blushing like crazy 


Why I hate my memories: I can't stop crying from either the pain that floods back, or from the good things I completely forgot about as if it was hundreds of years ago.

~KoOkIe CoOkIe 

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