FavreMyRainbow (Part Two)

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I could've wrote some fluffshots during class after my big math test, but instead I wrote someone specials name over 500 times--

This one was suggested by 

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I get ready for school the next day, the day after Prom. Good thing Prom was on a Thursday, so I only have today before I can bury myself in the depths of my blankets until Monday. I groan, brushing my hair to a tolerable way before walking down the stairs, wearing my rainbow hoodie. My school bag is sitting at the dining room table, and I grab it before bidding goodbye to my parents and walking to school.

As I get close to the school door, Sabre comes from behind me, smiling softly but also blushing. "H-Hey Rainbow!" he says, and then running ahead of me just to open the door. I blush from this action, walking into the entrance.

"Hey Sabre! How are you?" I ask, trying to make conversation without making things awkward, but failing at the last part miserably. "I'm pretty good, what about you?" Sabre asks me, grinning. I feel myself blush more, before he holds a pencil out.

"I-I uh-- I accidentally took this yesterday, and I wanted to give it back to you," he says, and I push the hand holding the pencil back to him. I smile brightly, blushing slightly, "you can keep it."

He blushes a little more, before nodding. "Alright, thanks Rainbow! Well, I'm going to get going to class now, bye!" Sabre says and walks away, making me giggle to myself. I walk down the hall, heading towards my next class, walking with a new pencil in hand. Little did he know that I took one of his too.


Going to be doing a writing spree this Saturday, where this will get updated a lot! :D

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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