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GalaxyChan6 asked for this yesterday, and I am just now getting around to it.

~Sabre's POV~

Spencey comes into the room, and walks over to me. He comes directly in front of me, inches away, and our breathing mingles. He pushes me against the wall, and he kisses me forcefully. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck while he puts his hands on my hips. 


I shoot up from the bed, sweat pouring down my face due to the dream I was just having. Yeah, it wasn't a nightmare like usual, but that was a rough dream. I like Spencey, yeah, but I've never had any kinds of dreams like that about him. A rosy pink blush appears on my face, my cheeks heating up as I think about the dream in detail. 

Then, a knock comes on my door. I look up to see Spencey, making my blush worse. I look away before shouting, "What is it?" (Failing at typing because I'm too lazy to get up and turn the light on) 

The door creaks open, and Spencey comes in. "I heard you tossing and turning in your sleep, and I wanted to come see if you were okay.." he says softly and innocently. 

"It was just a dream..." I say softly, hoping to get him to leave so I can recollect myself. Instead, I get the opposite. He comes over and sits down on the bed, next to me. My breathing quickens as each time I blink, the image of my dream flashes in front of my vision. "What was the dream about?" Spencey asks, looking at me concerned. 

"You kissing me.." I mutter, barely audible to even my own ears. "What? I couldn't hear you.." he says and I look into his chocolate brown eyes. 

"You kissing me.." I say again, softly, but a little louder than last time. He seems to hear me this time, and he blushes slightly. "Oh.." he whispers and then I turn away from him, unable to look him in the eyes again. 

He gets up and then sits on the floor in front of me, trying to get me to look at him; but I look away again. Next thing I know, he sits on my lap to make me have to look at him. I blush slightly, and so does he. 

"Was it bad..?" he asks me and I shake my head 'no'. "I-I.. I actually liked it.." I say softly, my cheeks turning a rosy red color. He blushes as well, and then he leans closer to me. 

"Do you.. do you want to try it, in real life this time..?" he asks me and I slowly shake my head as I look into his eyes, getting lost in them. 

He slowly leans forward, and then gently places his lips on mine; kissing me softly. I kiss him back, letting him teach me. The kiss lasts for a minute or so, and then stops when he pulls away, breathless. 

He gasps for air, looking straight at me with a smile on his face. "Did I do it right..?" I ask, hoping I didn't just ruin my friendship with him. He nods and then rests his head on my shoulder slightly. "I wouldn't mind coming over and practicing every now and then though~" he says and makes me blush. I nod slowly, and then he kisses my cheek before leaving the room; leaving me to collect my thoughts on everything that just happened


I'm sad.. ;-;

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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