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Well, y'all said I could do a non-FavreMySabre-series-fluffshot, so here it is-- StarKie is Cookie (Me) and Star (StaryQueen2008)

~Cookie's POV~

Me and Star walk through the flowery field together, hand in hand. I blush slightly, and the sun slowly starts to set around us. Star looks over at me, smiling softly. I shiver softly, regretting not wearing a jacket. 

She smiles softly at me, taking her jacket off and then wrapping it around me. I blush slightly, smiling softly. "T-Thanks..." I say quietly, and she nods. We both sit down on the ground, and I rest my head on her shoulder. 

The two of us watch the sunset together, and her fingers soon lace along with mine. "I-I love you Cookie..." Star stutters out, smiling softy. I blush brightly, my cheeks seem to almost burn. 

"I-I love you t-too, Star," I stutter, looking at her softly. My blue eyes meet her orange (I think that's what le' OC's eyes are--) ones, making both of us blush softly. She tucks a loose lock of my hair behind my ear, and then hugs me softly. I hug her back, smiling softly and no longer shivering. 

Then, she leans forward, her lips and mine connecting. My arms wrap her neck, my fingers gently tugging at her purple hair. 

We stay like this for a minute or so, before I finally pull away due to the lack of oxygen getting into my lungs. 

"I love you babe..." she whispers, and I grin. "I love you more~"  I purr, and she giggles. 

"Not a chance babe," she says softly, kissing my cheek. 


I'm blushing from this-- 

Cookie Da' Queen~

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