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I haven't updated this in a while sorry ;-;
Requested by TheDiamondLu and GamingKitten847

~Void Steve's POV~

Aha! Today is the day I'm going to get out of this stupid Spirit Realm and be free to do as I please in the regular world. Who knows, maybe I'll even go pay Sabre a visit...

I start up the machine by flicking the lever, watching everything happen. After a moment or so, a portal appears, and right when I'm about to jump through it; someone stops me.

"Void Steve! Wait!" Rainbow Steve shouts at me, and when I turn around I see him running towards me. I roll my eyes, groaning.

"What do you want, Rainbow Steve?" I ask him, and he bites his lip.

"What are you doing?" he asks me, and I groan louder.

"What does it look like? I made a machine that's supposed to bring me to the overworld, and I was about to go through it. What are you doing here?" I ask him, and he nervously bites his bottom lip.

"Can I go with you..?" he asks slowly, taking me by surprise. I ponder on it for a moment, and then decide it's a good idea because that way there I have someone to test this noisy portal.

I grin, nodding. "You can, but what's in it for me?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"I-I'll... I'll take you to where Sabre is..." Rainbow Steve says slowly, and I can't help it; I let out an evil chuckle.

You see, this Spirit Realm is supposed to put people that are here at peace, but if anything, it made things worse for me. All I want to do is leave this stupid place. Now, I can.

"Alright, you're in. Go, before I change my mind," I command at him, and he nods. He jumps through the portal, and after a moment longer of the stupid portal making a lot of weird noises, I decide it's safe enough. I jump through.


I land on the hard ground with a thump, groaning. When I look around, I see the portal I came through disappear within thin air, leaving both me and Rainbow Steve wherever we are without a way to leave.

If anything, being out of there is better than anywhere else. I get up, seeing Rainbow Steve not far from where I am but still on the ground. I head over to him, and he quickly gets up.

"Where are we?" he asks, slowly getting up.

"To heck if I know," I say, rolling my eyes. "Now, you better keep up to your end of the deal or I swear I'll—" I start but Rainbow Steve cuts me off.

"I know! I'm going to keep up to my end of the deal, I just.. I want to find Galaxy Steve..." Rainbow Steve says the last part quietly, his face heating up.

I smirk, and he starts walking into what seems like a random direction. "I feel Sabre's presence this way..." Rainbow Steve says softly, continuing to walk.

"So, why do you want to find Galaxy Steve?" I ask with a smirk, and I see his cheeks get more color.

"I-I— you heard that?!" Rainbow Steve stutters, making me chuckle.

"Mhm, now, speak," I command, and he bites his lip.

"I-I.. I have a crush on him, okay!?" Rainbow Steve shouts, and then storms off into the direction we were walking. Then, he pauses. "Why do you want Sabre so bad?" he asks, and I don't respond at all for a moment.

"The same reason you want to find Galaxy Steve," I say simply, and his eyes widen.

"Y-You like Sabre?" he asks, and I roll my eyes.

"I believe that's what I said, yeah," I say, biting my lip. "Just keep walking..." I say, and he nods slowly.


After what seems like forever of walking, we both finally see a building in the distance. "You think that's where they are?" I ask him, and I'm pretty sure it is. I feel Galaxy Steve's energy looming around the area.

"Mhm!" Rainbow Steve says, and I nod. We both then continue walking, this time a little faster, and after a moment or so we reach the house. Rainbow Steve knocks on the door, and after a moment, Sabre opens the door, showing himself without the chicken suit on and without the gray bandanna on.

His emerald green eyes meet mine, and he backs away rather quickly. "R-Rainbow Steve? Void Steve?! How are you guys here?!" Sabre shouts, and I step forward. I place my hand on his cheek, grinning. His face heats up from the action, making my grin only widen.

"I have my ways, Sabre," the grin turns to a full on smirk, and his breathing quickens.

Galaxy Steve rushes down the stairs, pausing when he sees me. Then, he notices Rainbow Steve in the room, and he acts like he never even saw me and instead he runs over to Rainbow Steve and hugs him tight. I see Rainbow Steve hug back, tears of joy in his eyes.

"How did you get here? I thought you were dead! I missed you so much..." Galaxy Steve says, and Rainbow Steve sniffles.

"I missed you too... and I got here, thanks to Void Steve..." Rainbow Steve says quietly. Sabre looks back at me in shock.

"Is that true..?" he asks slowly, biting his lip. I nod slowly, and then to my surprise, he presses his lips against mine for a kiss.

It doesn't last long, probably only a few seconds, but those seconds feel like hours, making me crave more of his kiss, more of his gentle touch. "I love you, Sabre..." I whisper, taking his hand and kissing it. I see his face heat up more, from blushing, and I grin.

"I-I love you t-too, Void Steve..." he says. I rest my head against his forehead with a smirk playing on my lips, and he smiles softly. He leans forward, kissing me again, this time a little faster than the last one and it lasts longer.

After around twenty seconds, he pulls away from the kiss, smiling softly.

When we pull away, I see Galaxy Steve and Rainbow Steve kissing out of the corner of my eye, only making me chuckle quietly.

"We're going to tease them later, right?" Sabre asks me, and I nod.

See, this is why I hated the Spirit Realm, I wasn't free to be with the person I loved, and still love, the most.


I added GalBow because ye-

Now, I gotta do some chores and some other stuff because it's mah moms birthday, I'll be back sometime later-

Officer Cookie~

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