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GalaxyChan6 requested this, and I was too lazy to write another one so take the one I wrote for my smutshot book as part one-

~Sabre's POV~

Ugh, Sabre, you're such an idiot! I mentally scold myself, seeing as we just got three Steve's and I lost one within five minutes. Rainbow Steve, Lucas and I all go looking for the Green Steve, but end up finding nothing.

I sigh, going back to the Rainbow Town and to the other two Steve's we have, being Red Steve and Blue Steve. "Well, I guess that's another Steve Saga video. Peace guys!" I say to the camera, and Rainbow Steve runs in. "Bye Sky People!" he shouts, and I chuckle as I end the recording.

"This day has been fun and all, but I have to go do some house work. See you guys later," Lucas says, and then leaves.

"I'm going to go get some materials and then work on the Rainbow House!" Rainbow Steve giggles, flying off as fast as he can. I sigh, being left alone with just Blue Steve and Red Steve. I flip through my inventory, trying to get to the signs, but end up passing the redstone blocks. Red Steve clearly notices, seeing as he charges at me and then punches me until I end up placing a block down.

I sigh in relief, happy that my health is draining anymore as he practically hugs the mere redstone block. I walk over to the Blue Steve instead, and he smiles softly. I place a sign down, writing, "How are you? :D" on it.

He smiles at me, nodding eagerly. I toss him a sign, and he places it down. After a moment, the sign reads, "Good! Happy to not be evil anymore, so good! A little bored though..." I smile softly, placing down another sign.

"Same. I'm fine with doing anything you want to," my sign reads, and he smiles. Then, something surprises me; he grins. I can't help but blush softly. "Anything?~" he purrs, taking me by even more surprise.

"Y-You can ta-talk?" I ask, blushing more. He nods, still grinning. "You sure about us doing anything?~" he asks again in a suductive voice, making me completely flustered. After a moment or so, I nod.

He grabs my hand, taking me to the Rainbow House and closing the door. All my worries seem to melt away, and then he does something I never thought would happen but I'm happy it did.

He kisses me.

I kiss him back, my face completely red from embarrassment. His hands rest on my hips, while my hands run through his soft, baby blue hair. 

The kiss lasts for a short bit before we both pull away around the same time, and I'm panting slightly from it. "I... I love you, Sabre... I know I just met you, again, but I love you..."

I somehow blush more, but I smile softly at him. 

"I love you t-too, Blue Steve...." 


I added a tiny bit, be happy peoples--

Cookie Da' Queen~ 

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