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NintendoBriana asked for this, and I just copied and pasted most of it from a smut oneshot I wrote a while back. So ye, here ya' humans go. 

~Ghost Steve's POV~

Lightning comes towards me and it doesn't let me move. I close my eyes and wait for the lightning to strike me.

~Sabre's POV~

Tons of lighting goes off as the Galaxy Tower disappears. Instead, a huge crater forms and at the bottom there is Ghost Steve. "Ghost Steve?" I ask, not believing my eyes. He looks up and then slightly nods, a smile covering his face. I build a small dirt bridge, enough for me to get down and him to get out.

We both climb out, and then we sit and talk for a while. Galaxy Steve goes off to find Rainbow Steve and we just keep catching up. "I can't believe it! How could he have tricked me?" Ghost Steve asks and then laughs softly. His laugh is adorable, and it makes me swoon. "That's cute.." I mutter in just a whisper.

"W-What was that?" He asks. I blush a bright red color but then shake it off. "Nothing, it was nothing.." I say and then look at him. He smiles softly at me and my heart melts. I push the lose gray hair of his out of his face. A soft, tame blush dusts over his face as he keeps looking at me.

That's when I get an idea. "Hey Ghost Steve, how about I give you a welcome back gift?" I ask at a whisper, leaning down to his ear and my lips brush against his earlobe. I gently nibble on his ear, and he moans softly and blushes.

"I-I would l-like that a lot.." He says while blushing. I look at him before I kiss him softly.

We both stand up, and his left hand rests gently on my shoulder while the right cups my cheek. My right arm wraps around him in a protective manor, while the left wraps around his neck.

(Here we go, me not being lazy and actually typing for the rest of this)

We pull away from the kiss, both of us breathless. I look into his light gray eyes, and he looks at my bandana. I smile softly before I softly kiss his cheek. He blushes slightly, and then the rests his head on my shoulder. "I love you Sabre.." he whispers, and I hum in response. 

"I love you too Ghost Steve," I say softly. 


Sorry this is shorter than ever, I am just not in the mood for writing right now. I'm going to bed.. I need this day to be over with already...


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