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Suggested by the amazing  ^^

~Yellow Steve's POV~

I teleport Sabre and I towards the place from where I first met Rainbow Steve, back before he and Sabre were even friends. Heck, it was around the time that Rainbow Steve was created, so he didn't even know anything about any player. He even ran out to challenge me when I was Nightmare Steve back then! 

"This is where I first met Rainbow Steve, back before he ever knew anything about you," I explain to Sabre, who is looking around at the stump. He nods slowly, clearly processing what's going on. "Why'd you bring me here?" he asks me, and I shrug. 

"I thought you would want to see some of Rainbow Steve's past. This is one of his first few memories, as of back then anyway," I explain, and Sabre looks at me. 

"Why is there a door here?" he asks me, and I look over. Both of us walk over to it, him running into me, and both of us apologizing. I open the door, and when I do I see some fire that is somehow still burning to this day. Sabre runs around, destroying all the fire with his bare fists. I throw my hand out to stop him, but I don't catch him in time before he already hit it. 

The fire goes out, but he yells out in pain. "Why in the world would you ever run up to a fire and punch it?!" I yell at him, taking his hand to look and make sure he doesn't have a serious burn. "I-I guess I wasn't thinking," he says, and when I look up, I see a blush on his face. This makes me blush slightly, and he blushes even more. 

"I-I got something to tell y-you..." I say quietly to Sabre, and he looks at me. 

"I got something to tell you too..." he says as well. "On three, let's both say ours," he suggests and I nod. 

"Alright... three, tw--" he counts down but I interrupt. "I love you!" I explain, my face burning from blushing so much. He blushes more, before leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine for a soft kiss. My hand and his hold on to one another, our fingers weaving together like the weaving's on a homemade wooden basket. 

After so long we both pull away, and he smiles softly. "I love you too..."


Now, I shall summon PappyWritesBooks--

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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