Blue Steve x Reader

552 27 18

I-- I needed this in life, I'm sorry-- nEkO bLuE sTeVe BeCaUsE LogicIsntReal mAdE mE iMaGiNe iT--

~Y/N's POV~

Me and Blue Steve run around in the woods, cautious not to fall straight on our faces. He giggles softly, taking advantage of being as agile as a cat since he's a neko. "Blue Steve! That's not fair, you're as agile as a cat!" I shout, giggling softly. 

"Not cheating, I was born with this!" he says as he continues to weave through the trees towards where we were racing to. I run as fast as I can towards him, though getting caught up on the trees since I can't just move as fast as Blue Steve does. 

It doesn't take much longer for Blue Steve to win the race, me being about 30 seconds behind him. I'm panting slightly, while he's just standing there, smiling. "I win!" he explains excitedly, smiling. "Like always," I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Are you mad at me for winning?" he asks me, confusion on his face. I shake my head 'no', seeing as I'm not mad. I'm just a little disappointed that I didn't win for once and he always wins. 

"You sure?" he frowns, looking at me with his soft blue eyes looking at me. 

"I'm sure," I reassure him, smiling. 

"Wanna do another race?" I suggest, though not really wanting to. He shakes his head, confusing me. I tilt my head in confusion as I look at him, and he blushes softly. 

"I-I want to do something e-else..." he says softly, and I nod. "What is it?" I ask him, and he blushes a little more.

"This," he says and then kisses me softly. I blush, kissing him back. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him down closer to me since I'm a lot shorter than him. He grins against my lips, resting his hands on my hips as it continues. 

My fingers run through his soft blue hair, continuing the kiss with passion. After like fifteen seconds, we both finally pull away; both of us blushing. 

"I love you, Y/N..." Blue Steve says softly, his forehead resting against mine. 

"I love you too, Blue Steve..." I say, and then hug him softly.


iS iT cLeAr WhO mY fAvOrItE sTeVe iS??--

Cookie Da' Queen~

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