~Author's Note~

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Hello readers 😊
Just before you read this book, here's some info~

● This book doesn't contain a storyline.
● It's just a book full of bedtime stories.
● Every chapter is a new story, and the chapters never connect to each other, unless stated otherwise. If they do belong together there'll be  'PT.1'  or something like that in the tiltle.

Requests were always open as long as the book was running, but since the book is completed now I won't be taking any requests for this book anymore! Check out my other Imagine/Oneshot books if you do want to request something. ❤

Please put the Imagine ideas in the comments of this sentence, thankyou 💝
- Requests are closed -

Please put the Imagine ideas in the comments of this sentence, thankyou 💝- Requests are closed -

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