Fighting the Good Fight

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I want to first off say thank you to everyone for their support. I had no idea I could write let alone finish a whole Grey's story. I had so much fun writing the first book and I know the excitement will only go up with this book. Please enjoy the first chapter in the second installment of Gen's story.

Mark's POV

Everyone is cheering for Derek as he walks in for the first time since the shooting. "Hey, uh, yes. Good morning. Thank you. Thank you very much." Derek heads to the stairs so he can address everyone. "Good. Thank you. Thank you very much. It's uh, it's great to be back. First of all, I'd like to think of Dr. Webber for stepping up in my absence. Thank you." We all clap for Webber and hang on to every word Derek says. "Uh, I'm grateful for all of you, for all of your support during my recovery. Thank you. Uh, it's just, uh, so great to be back as Chief. I'm grateful for the, uh..." Derek pauses and continues to look at the scans in his hands. I'm sorry that's a lie. That's what people say and uh, the truth is...I hate being Chief. I hate it." People gasp and I nod my head at his honesty. "Chief Webber..." Derek looks at Richard. "Chief Webber is our chief. Um...I'm sorry but this giant...sorry I gotta go look at this chordoma. I, um, I'm sorry, but...I quit." All of our eyes are wide as Derek runs off. "Come on Kepner let's go."

"Oh my God." Callie exclaims seeing the chordoma Derek is operating on.

"Wow. You weren't kidding." I state as I look at the mess in front of us.

"The last surgeon broke the dura, which enabled the tumor to mushroom into the brain and down into the spine." Kepner explains to us.

"It's wrapped around his brain stem. Whatever we do we need to do it quickly." Derek informs us.

"The size of this thing...normally I open up the sinuses or the hard palate." I state.

"Well, now you have to open up both." We all look at Derek like he's insane.

"You want me to split his whole face open? Sinuses, hard palate, tongue, jaw..."

"Broken jaw is excruciating, let alone the rest of it." Callie expands on my worry about this procedure.

"Does this kid know what he's in for?" Meredith questions Derek.

"He wants to live. I don't think he's concerned about the pain." Derek is quick to respond.

"Well, but you don't know how enmeshed the tumor is. You don't even know if you can get it all."

"Thank you, Dr. Grey." Derek silences his wife quickly.

"You want to try this thing, Torres and I...are gonna need to coordinate. What are we thinking, a week?" I ask Derek.

"No later."

"I'll clear my schedule." Callie exclaims.

"I was hoping to have Benoist's hands-on board with this one. She's very talented in detailed surgeries. We could really use her." Derek looks to me and I tense up. "Is she ready?" I feel all eyes on me and I shake my head.

"She won't be back for a while."

"Mark she...she has to come back eventually. She is..."

"I said she will be back in a while!" I shout silencing Derek. "She is my wife and I love her. I'm taking care of her. I'll work on this case don't ask about my wife again."

The surgery was a success but I feel empty as I stand at another couple's wedding. This should be me and Gen but alas it's not. She's not here with me now and there's nothing I can do about it. "Is Gen still..." I shake my head at Callie.

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