Ultimate Pop Sensation

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Kokichis pov

I jumped about backstage. Man being on stage gives me a rush! I feel so hyper! And the best part was I got to preform with sayaka!

We actually started off as a sibling duo but our manager said I'd do better solo while sayaka would do better in a all girl group. Being separated from sayaka really sucks but it's better than nothing. Besides tonight I got to preform with sayaka and her group. It was awes-

"oh my god sayaka your brothers so cute!" I stopped. I guess I accidentally came to the girls dressing room. I might as well listen in.

"I know he's the cutest!" I blushed. Why does she have to talk about me like that?

"I bet he gets all kinds of women coming at him"

"he does but I fight them off! There's no way I'd let my innocent brother get groped by a bunch of strangers!"

"oh my god sayaka your like the best sister ever!"

"hehe thanks. Well I better get going Kokichis starting hopes peak tomorrow!"

"oh my god wish him luck from us"

"I will!" she ran out and bumped into me.

"kokichi were you listening in?" she asked.

"maybe" I said, embarrassed that I got caught.

She smiled and ruffled my hair. "well come on let's get you home you have a big day tomorrow."

I nodded. A couple of weeks ago I got a letter saying that I've been accepted into hopes peak under the title of ultimate Pop Sensation not to be mistaken with sayakas title of ultimate idol.

We walked home excitedly talking about how great hopes Peaks was. Once we arrived home the house was empty. Dad's probably still working. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a chocolate mouse.

"kokichi I want you going to bed early tonight" sayaka said in a firm tone.

"I will just as soon as I finish my snack" I said

"okay" she kissed me on the cheek "love you"

I finished my snack and went to bed. I put on my white pj's on and snuggled into my checkered blankets. I spent that night dreaming about my new life at hopes peak.

ultimate Pop Sensation Kokichi mizono! Where stories live. Discover now