Big Cousin Legoshi

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Kokichis pov

"who's the cutest little girl in the world? You are! You are"

I chuckled as I watched legoshi gush over the newest member of the family. She's only been here a few weeks and legoshis already at her cot tickling her. It was kinda adorable honestly.

Himiko came over with a bottle and clearly didn't see the funny side.

"legoshi stop prodding her! Your going to hurt her!" himiko scolded.

"sorry aunt himiko" legoshi said scratching his head in embarrassment.

Himiko sigh and took Hanako of of her cot for feeding. I sat down next to her.

"why do you always insist on watching me feed her" she asked.

"cause her eyes always shine the brightest when you feed her" I said resting my head on her shoulder.

She smiled and kissed my head "she's beautiful isn't she?"

"the most beautiful little girl in the world. Must get that from her mother"

"you flirt!" himiko giggled "I wonder what it would be like when she's a teenager? Surely she'll have all the boys running after her."

"can we please not talk about that"

"you nervous hun?"

"Well yeah you never know what could happen with other boys."

Himiko giggled and kissed my cheek "your adorable! Now will you please help me out? I think our daughters ready for a nap"

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