The Five Survivors

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Shuichis pov

Two months later

It's over. Its finally over! Kiibo sacrificed himself in order to let us escape. The five of us. Me, maki, Tenko, kaito and gonta (the survivors are different since kokichi and himiko wasn't there) stood in the distance staring at the building that killed several of our friends.

Once we turned around we saw several men in black suits came up to us.

"are you kids the survivors of the killing game?"

We nodded

"Well we're part of future fondation. We're here to take care of you kids"

Kokichis pov

I paced back and forth nervously. Future Fondation had finally managed to locate our classmates and their sending in a rescue team to help them.

Many of our classmates had already lost their lives in this senseless killing game. Keade killed rantaro and got executed, Kirumi killed ryoma and got executed and korekiyo killed angie and miu but seven students are still alive in there including tenko so if they get there in time they can save them!

I was really nervous. I didn't want to think about losing anyone else! All my nerves left when future Fondation members came through the doors with...

"Tenko!" me and himiko rushed up and hugged her.

"guys I'm so happy to see you both!" tenko said hugging us back.

We all cryed happy tears feeling relieved that something could at least go our way.

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