Kiyos Free Time Events

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Fte 1
I decided to hang out with Kiyo. I found him in the kitchen washing dishes.

"hey buddy working hard or hardly working" I chuckled. Kiyo shot me a glare.

"can you not distract me! I'm trying to work!" I sighed. Kiyo is my best friend but once he's doing any kind of job he can be real killjoy!

"ok then how about I help you?" I said picking up a dish cloth.

"that would be much appreciated" Kiyo said with a smile.

We washed the dishes together. I got bored and started singing.

"it's a hard knock life for us
It's a hard knock life for us!"

Kiyo glared at me for a bit then smiled

"instead of treats we get tricks
Instead of kisses we get kicks"

"it's a hard knock life!" we yelled at the same time and burst out laughing.

"thanks legoshi I needed this" Kiyo said hugging me.

"no problem bud" I said ruffling his hair. I'm glad to have Kiyo in here with me and I hope we all get out of this crazy school soon.

Fte 2
I decided it would be best to hang out with my best friend kiyo. I found him in the janitors closet probably hiding from aoi.

"hey buddy" I said making him jump.

"hey legoshi. This is an embarrassing situation you found me in" he said scratching his head

"hehe yeah. Wanna hang out?"

"sure! Let's hang out in my room" he said dragging me. He's probably still trying to hide from aoi!

"still having girl trouble pal?" I asked. He sighed.

"if I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone"

"sure your secrets safe with me" I said reassuringly.

"Well the truth is that I really do like her I just don't know how to deal with her when she gets clingy"

It took me a while to process this "wow! You have a weird taste in women!"

"I do not! Don't you tease me!"

I burst out laughing. Kiyo glared at me but after a while he laughed too. Hanging with my best friend really did cheer me up.

Fte 3
I decided to spead some time with Kiyo I found him cooped up in his room.

"Kiyo it's me can you come out please?" the door opened and Kiyo stood there, eyes red from crying.

I smiled gently at him "hey buddy do you want to hang out together?"

"sure" he muttered.

We sat at the dining table in silence. Finally I broke that silence.

"look buddy I know it's hard to lose the girl you like believe me I know but we got to keep going for her sake you know"

He smiled at me "thanks legoshi I appreciate that. Say do you think we should start including riku in our group. I can really tell he's starting to change ever since midoris death"

"sure thing we'll get the little guy to come out of his shell" I said reassuringly.

"thanks legoshi" he stood up "well no more mopping around for me! I gotta do my part to help everyone out! Well goodbye legoshi we'll talk again ok"

"count on it" I chuckled as I watched my friend energetically run down the halls.

Fte 4
I discided to hang out with Kiyo. I found him in the kitchen eating a huge tub of ice-cream.

"hey bud" I said cheerfully

"hey" he said forcing a smile on his face. I sat down next to him.

"wanna talk about it? I'm no therapist but I'm a good listener"

"heh I know you are" he said resting his head on my shoulder. "it's just ever since dalya died I felt like I lost a part of myself you know? I know we weren't related by blood but we both grew up together! You can't get any closer than that!"

"yeah I get what you're saying" I said holding him close. "but we got to stay strong. Once we're out of danger we can properly  morn him and even give him a proper berial."

"yeah maybe we could get him a car shaped flowerpot. He always loved cars. Wanted to drive one when he was older" Kiyo sobbed.

I gently rocked him while he sobbed. Once he calm down I took him to his room to rest.

Fte 5
"hello legoshi do you have time for a chat?" Kiyo asked.

"sure I do! Take a seat" I said.

He took a seat next to me and sighed "legoshi is there anyone you miss on the outside world?"

"of course! I miss aunt himiko and uncle kokichi terribly. Why?"

He sighed again "I miss my grandpa alot. He was a policeman you know. He was very serious about the law and everyone was scared of him but not me. My grandpa was so gentle with me and dalya. He said I reminded him of dad. The son he lost" he paused "I don't know how I'm going to tell him about dalya"

I patted him on the shoulder "we'll cross that road when we get there bud"

He grinned at me "your right. We got to focus on getting out of here"

We spent the rest of the day talking about whatever came to mind.

Fte 6
"legoshi!" I jumped as my friend came running towards me

"what is it?" I asked

"this experience has taught me alot and I've decided that I'm still inexperienced in the world of law so when we get out of here I'm going to go back to law school and become the best lawyer I can!"

I smiled. This is so like Kiyo. He always wants to do the best he can and is never satisfied with only giving 90%

"alright I'm happy for you bud-" I was cut off by Kiyo pulling me into a hug.

"thank you for everything legoshi" he pulled away with a greatful smile and walked away. That's Kiyo alright. He's the bestest I could ever ask for.

Your Kiyos report card is complete!

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