Free Time

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Hanakos pov

I was bored so I discided to hang out with hinata for a while. I found her in the library playing video games. She seemed a little sad.

"hey hinata do you want to hang out?"  I asked.

"mmm ok" she muttered not taking her eyes off of the screen. That's strange, normally she's excited to hang out with me.

"hey are holding up ok?" I asked in a worried tone.

She sighed "it's just been hard. Taiko was the first person who didn't think I was weird. She accepted me as her friend despite how strange I am. People like that don't come about too often and now I've lost her forever" her eyes watered. I can't imagine how hard it must be to lose your only friend.

"hey I know it can't be easy and I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're going through. Heck I can't even remember if I had friends or not! But I know that taiko wanted you to get through this and you're not alone! You got me as a friend and I know konakis very fond of you. I not to sure about how tenya feels but I'm sure he'd consider you his fri-"

I was cut off by hinata pulling me into a hug "thank you hanako" she said sobbing into my shoulder.

I smiled and hugged her back "no problem bestie"

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