Class Trail

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Hanakos pov

We all took our places at the stands. I had never taken part in a trail and had no idea what I was doing but I was going to do my best!

"alright we should start with the cause of death right?" sakura said in a unsure tone.

"Well according to the Monokuma file he was killed by a stab to the heart and died around 12:30" hinata said.

"wow he was up pretty late" grace muttered.

"oh! I bet the killer lured him out and killed him" izuku said looking proud of himself.

"no I don't think that's what happened" I muttered.

"huh? Why not?" izuku asked.

"Well hinata found a knife under the body" I explained.

"that's right. The knife was only half covered in blood so I doubt it was the murder weapon" hinata said.

"also konaki found a note in the trash"

"you were digging in the trash?" taiko said looking disgusted.

"I was looking for clues just like everyone else" konaki defended himself.

"Well I think you done a wonderful job" hinata praised him.

"thank you" he muttered blushing a bit.

"anyway what did the note say?" nasko asked nervously.

"it was a note from hacku asking someone to meet him in the dinning hall for a training session"

"what the fuck does this all mean!?" natsumi muttered.

"judging by everything we found I'd say its fair to say that hacku invited someone over planning to kill them and ended up getting killed himself" I said.

"wait how do you know that's the case?" token asked "what if the person he invited over was the one who planned to kill him?"

"but the blood-"

"oh give me a break!" token yelled cutting hinata off "a bit of blood isn't enough to prove that hacku had murderous intent!"

"Well there is more proof" I spoke up "we found a bloody knife in the bin. That means the knife we found on the corpse wasn't the one that killed him"

"ok I guess that makes sense" token muttered looking embarrassed.

"ok so we've proved that hacku planned to kill someone but how does that get us any closer to his killer?" natsumi said frustratedly.

"Well I think I have an idea of who the killer is and I'm afraid it points to you neko"

"huh? Me!?" the boy yelped in shock.

"yes you! Hacku called his killing out to do some personal training with him. Who better to ask then the ultimate P.E teacher?"

"that's just a coincidence!" he yelled sweating bullets.

"I'm afraid not and this is what proves it" I pulled out the bloody jacket "I can't think of anyone else who would wear a jacket like this"

Neko didn't say a word. He just stood there in stunned silence. I've never seen such dread on a person's face before. I think that face is going to give me nightmares.

"alright we've found out who the killer is. We should get to voting" taiko said. We nodded and all voted for neko.

"ding ding ding you got it right! the killer in this trail is non other than neko neidi!" Monokuma said gleefully.

"please he was going to kill me. I didn't have any other choice I didn't want to die. PLEASE YOU CAN'T KILL ME FOR THIS!" neko begged desperately.

"I can and I will! Let's give it everything we got iiiiiits punishment time!"

A chain came out of nowhere, grabbed neko by the neck and dragged him down the execution room. He was dragged onto the football pitch and chained to the floor. The sign on the big screen said

Neko nedais punishment
Rooting for the underdog

A group of football players wearing Monokuma masks came running on to the field and stampead into neko. They dived on him and kicked him round the football field. I could hear the crunching of bones as neko screamed in agony. It kept going until neko stopped moving.

I was stunned into silence. That wasn't a execution. It was far too inhumane to be called that! The others were just as stunned. Is this our new life now?

Kokichis pov

I was pacing back and forth worriedly. My daughters been missing for three days and I fear the worst. Its all my fault. I shouldn't have sent her to that school. Its all my fault its all my fault its all my-

My thoughts were cut off by legoshi placing his hand on my shoulder "it's going to be ok uncal kokichi we're doing everything we can to find her"

I smiled at him "thanks kid I appreciate it"

"How's aunt himiko handling all this?" he asked.

I sighed "she been beside herself with worry. I have no idea how to help her"

"it rough. Now I know how worried you all must have been" I smiled weakly at him.

"oi oda you found anything on where our kids are" kaito yelled. I could tell he was just as worried about his kid as I was.

"Well I'm looking into several networks right now. I should be able to pinpoint a location in a matter of three days." oda replied.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. Please baby girl stay safe until I come to rescue you.

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