Royal Beatdown

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Hanakos pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Another body another killer. Let's hope I can get though this!

"I can't believe Grace is dead! She was so sweet!" kimari whimpered.

"it's alright kimari cease your tears" sataro said trying to calm the girl down.

"not helping stalker" tokin growled.

"how dare you!"

"alright break it up ladies! We're supposed to be finding graces killer remember" natsumi muttered causing the boys to look away embarrassed.

"anyway grace was killed by blunt force trauma" hinata cut in

"that's right it was meationed in the Monokuma file! What an awful way to go!" Tenya said turning pale.

"actually if done right blunt force trauma can be painless" konaki muttered in a creepy tone that sent shivers down my spine.

"Well is there any proof that points to one of us as the killer?" token asked

"actually there is one piece of evidence" I said showing the clump of hair we found.

"hey that hair colour could only match... Sataro!"

We all turned to look at him. He only let out a sad laugh "wonderful! I didn't even have to confess to my crime!"

"wait so you left the hair there on perpose!" tenya said in disbelief

"of course! There's no way you would have been able to link me to the murder if I didn't" sataro said as if it was obvious.

"I did notice that the hair looked like it had been cut" hinata muttered

"Well we should start the voting" kimari forced the words out.

We voted for sataro and got it rights.

"why?" kimari asked "you seemed like such a nice guy so why?"

He didn't say a word. He simply showed us his photo. It was a photo of kimari!

"I couldn't allow those monsters to harm you my love. I wouldn't allow it even if I had to give up my own life"

"and give up your life you did" Monokuma laughed menisingly.

Sataro walked over to kimari and held her hand "my love I understand that you don't share my feelings but that's ok. I'm just happy your safe"

Kimari burst into tears and hugged him tightly.

"let's give it everything we got iiiiits punishment Time"

Sataro was placed on the top of a tall tower. An apple dipped in purple ouze sat in front of him. The sign above the tower read.

Sataro tanaka punishment
The fall of a Prince

An army of Monokumas came with pitchforks and tourches trying to knock down the tower. Left with no other option he took a bite of the apple. He collapsed to the floor fomeing at the mouth. The Monokuma army placed him in a glass coffen.

I sat there once again feeling empty. Everything feels so hopeless but the sight of my friends comferting each other was enough to give me the strength to keep going.

Kokichis pov

"ahhhhh!" gonta collapsed to his knees sobbing. Me, kaito and shuichi ran to his side.

"gonta! What's wrong buddy?" I asked gently.

"gonta has terrible feeling. Like something bad happened to his little girl" gonta whimpered.

I pulled him into a hug "I know how you feel buddy but we got to stay strong. After all you still have your little boy to look out for"

Gonta gave me a watery smile "gonta thanks kokichi for being a good friend!"

I grinned at him "no problem buddy"

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