Mayas Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"Hmm you wish to spend time with me" maya questioned.

"Umm yeah is that a problem?" I asked.

"not a all! I just finished cleaning so I have some spare time" she took my hand and took me to the kitchen.

We spent our time baking treats.

"wow your a really good cook Maya!" I complemented.

"thank you legoshi. I use to cook for my masters when there was no cook available"

"wait you work as a maid!?" I said in disbelief. I wasn't even old enough to get a part time job so I couldn't imagine her having a full time job.

"yes I work for a rather wealthy family" she smiled.

"I see that's really impressive" I said.

"thank you legoshi now I must be going. Kaido gets jealous when I spend too much time with other boys" she gave me a polite bow and left. Maya sure is a polite girl. I wouldn't mind spending more time with her.

Fte 2
"hey maya could you tell me more about your job?" I asked

"certainly" she smiled. "I was born on the street and my parents had sadly passed away. Desperate to survive I begged the wealthiest family in the country to let me work for them in return for food and shelter and they agreed. I've been working with them ever since."

"I see" I muttered.

"it feels nice to talk about this" she smiled "kaido is the only one I could talk to about these things"

"kaido must be very important to you" I said.

"he is" she said with a dreamy smile "I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't here with me" she checked her watch "speaking of kaido it's time for our date if you'll excuse me" she gave a polite bow and left.

Fte 3
hey maya do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked.

"sure ask away legoshi" she grinned.

"how did you and kaido meet?"

"Well that's kinda a long story" he said running her fingers through her brown hair.

"I've got time" I grinned.

"very well then" she took a seat and gestured for me to sit down "do you remember when I told you that I worked for a wealthy family"


"Well that wealthy family was kaidos family"

"no way!" I yelled in disbelief

"indeed. kaido was born in a wealthy family but it wasn't as great as it sounds. His father loved having power over everything and would even try to show that power by beating those poor boys to a pulp. His mother was too much of a cowered to to protect them so they were completely at his mercy."

"that's awful" I muttered.

She nodded "when I started working for him I swore I'd get him and his brother out of that hell. We agreed that once we turn eighteen we're going to get married, find our own place and take kai with us where we'll never have to see them again"

"wow. I hope the best for you" I said not really knowing what to say.

"thanks that means alot to me" maya said bowing politely.

She walked off leaving me alone with my thoughts. I'm so much luckier then him. Sure my parents are dead but at least I still have people who will look after me. Once I get out of here I'm definitely giving my auntie and uncle a big hug!

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