Welcome to The Family

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Sayakas pov

"sayaka what on earth is this boy doing in your bed!" I shot awake to see my father looking down at me sternly.

"oh this is kokichi papa I found him in the allayway all dirty and stuff so I brought him in,fed him, bathed him and put him to bed!" I explained.

"so he's a street child he's awfully young to be on his own" my father muttered. He took out his phone and started pressing numbers.

"who are you calling daddy?" I asked.

"social services. They'll take him and place him in a proper family"

"no daddy he has to stay here! I promised to take care of him"

"for goodness sake sayaka he's not a dog! We can't just pick him up and take care of him!" he continued to type.

"daddy please don't take him away I don't want to be alone anymore!" he stopped.

"please don't fight" we turned around to see kokichi sitting up looking ready to cry. "my mummy and daddy fought all the time and now there gone! I don't want you to go too!" I leave if it will make you stop fighting."

My father smiled at him gently "you know you made my daughter very happy so tell you what. If you keep making her happy then I'll let you stay"

"really! Thank you sir!" kokichi ran up to daddy and hugged him.

"my god you are light! Well my boy it seems we'll have to cook you a hearty meal!"

So then we had our first breakfast together as a family.

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