The Candle Queen

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Legoshis pov

We all took our places at the stands for the class trail. I didn't want to do this. I wanted it all to be a bad dream but I had to accept it as reality or we're all going to die!

"so what do we do?" hataro asked.

"oh we should start with the cause of death and the murder weapon! That's what they always do in those old detective shows!" madori said excitedly. She dose realise our lives are at stake right?

"Well the cause of death was blunt force trauma" kiyo stated.

"how do you know that" oda asked

"I checked the head wound"

"eww you checked the head wound your a real freak aren't you" merida said cruely.

"I had to conferm her cause of death!" kiyo defended himself.

"yeah that's right you leave my kiyo alone you bitch!" aoi yelled.

"I'm not you kiyo!" kiyo argued

"I personally think it's amazing that you would go so far as to have a better understanding of the case. You certainly are admirable" taro said looking like he was actually having fun?

"Umm thank you?" kiyo said looking uncomfortable

"anyway the weapon was this rusty pipe" I said dragging everyone's attention back to the trail.

"that wasn't at the seance of the crime where the hell ya get it?" dalya asked.

"riku found it under the floorboards" I explained.

"grr I already told you terminator found it you stupid human!" riku yelled.

"oh your doggy found it he must be really smart!" madori said "but he must also have a smart trainer to teach him those things"

"Umm thank you woof" riku said pulling his hat down to cover his blush. That's an odd reaction for the boy!

"anyway cala was definitely killed by this rusty pipe. Someone probably bashed her over the head while she was playing piano." I had to force the words out. It was just too painful to imagine. At least she died doing the thing she loved most.

"so we know how she died but where does that get us?" yuka said bitterly "any of us could have done that!"

"actually I might have a way to narrow down the suspects"

"really? How?" kay asked

"the pipe was definitely taken from the modelling room and there's only evidence of two people being in that room. Merida! miku! It has to be one of you!"

"you worthless peace of shit you better take that back!" Merida screamed.

"I would never do something so awful!" miku sobbed.

"we're just going round in circles" kay said calmly "legoshi do we have a way of narrowing it down to one of them!

"actually I might! Dayla! You saw cala before she died right?"

"yeah I did. She ran to the music room in a hurry with some music sheets"

"so your saying that she ran to the music room with duet sheets" Merida said "well I would never sing with someone like her so it had to be miku!"

Wait! Something she said wasn't right! "Merida dalya never mentioned duet sheets so how did you know about that!?"

She started to sweat nervously "it was just a guess really."

"hey dalya what kind of music sheets was cala carrying?" kaido asked.

"actually it was duet sheets" dalya said glaring at her.

"Well I guess we found our killer" maya said.

"hey hold on"

"let's start with the vote already"

"hey I order you to stop!"

"voting time starts now!"



"Well you guessed correctly kids the killer was indeed ultimate model merida saki!"

Merida looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

"so you told her that you would preform together and then you killed her! You heartless monster!" yuka growled.

"no actually she was just alone in the music room and I took that opportunity to kill her" merida muttered.

But why?

"not many people know this but I tend to play the piano when I'm upset"

So that's why. She was stressed from the motive and needed to let some steam off. I should have been there.

"so what was with the duet sheets?" oda asked.

"don't know. She probably wanted to do a duet with legoshi"

I felt tears weld up in my eyes. I then grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her "why!? Why did you kill her!?"

"cause I wanted to know if my parents still love me!"

There was silence.

"ever since I was young my parents gave me everything I wanted except their love. I rarely ever saw them and when I did they would just ignore me. I sometimes wondered if they even love me or if they just put up with me. So when I heard our memories were stolen I knew what I had to do. I had to see if my parents cared even when I've been missing for weeks!"

"for weeks you say? Man misunderstandings sure are scary!" Monokuma giggled.

"what are you talking about" merida asked.

"Well you think I took weeks worth of memories but I only took a few hours worth of memories!"

She fell to her knees "no"

"Well enough of the boring stuff let's get on to the punishment"

Merida laughed, A look of insanity in her eyes. "go ahead nothing can be worse than this despair"

"alright let's give it everything we got iiiiiits punishment Time!"

A chain wrapped around her neck and dragged her away. She was placed in a house with two dummies dressed as her parents. Monokuma walked on the table and tipped over the Candle setting the whole room on fire. She wasn't concerned though and instead started to dance with the flames getting painful burns on her legs. She eventually fell to her knees and the roof collapsed on top of her.

I couldn't stop shaking. Two people died tonight one I had to watch die. Kiyo patted my shoulder reassuringly

"come on legoshi let's get some rest"

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight"

Kiyo sighed "legoshi your my best friend and I care about you deeply. I promise we'll get through this nightmare somehow"

I pulled him into a hug and broke down. I can't let Kiyo die like cala did. I promise I'll Protect my friends no matter what!

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