Free Time

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Hanakos pov

I had some spare time so I discided to hang out with konaki. I found him in the kitchen sharpening knife.

"hey buddy what ya doing?" I asked.

"I'm sharpening knifes. A weapon wouldn't do much for you if you let them get dull" he replied not taking his eyes off the knife.

I laughed awkwardly. Man this guys scary!

"cool. Say why don't tell me about your ultimate"

"you wish to know about my ultimate" he placed the knife down and faced me "my talent as the ultimate hunter means I am most skilled at tracking and catching my pray"

"do you enjoy it?" I asked.

"yes I enjoy the trill of the hunt and I especially love hunting at night when there's stars out"

"don't you feel bad for killing an innocent animal?"

"no. All life must come to a end sooner or later and I never make the animal suffer more than it needs to"

"oh that's good. Say your not planning on killing anyone with those knives are you?" I said jokingly.

"no but I was planning on doing a bit of cooking. I quite a decent cook thanks to my mother." he said with a genuine smile.

"oh can I help?" I asked feeling excited. I don't know why but I feel like I enjoyed to bake at one point.

"sure I wouldn't mind the extra help" he said with a kind smile.

We spent the rest of the day baking cookies and I went to bed full and satisfied.

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