Worriors Of Hope Stand Tall!

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Kokichis pov


Not only was nagisa there but kotoko, juntaro and masaru were also there! But how are they alive and why are they suddenly against monika?

Nagisia pointed the gun at monika "this ends now monika!"

"Yeah we were supposed to be heroes but you turned us into villiens!" masaru complained.

"we were supposed to be worriors of hope but you made us worriors of Dispair!" kotoko yelled.

"mmm I agree with what the others are saying" juntaro mumbled.

"oh so the worriors of hope don't like monika anymore? That's makes monika sad" Monika sobbed lightly "I thought we all wanted the same thing!"

"no we wanted to build a children's paradise! You wanted to blow up the poor children's heads for the sake of Dispair!" kotoko argued.

"so that's how you feel about monika. Then how about you finish the job and kill monika?"


"go on do it. SHOT ME!"


a gunshot rang out and monika fell down dead with a bullet lounge in her skull. Nagisa fell to his knees sobbing.

"I'm sorry. Why'd it have to end like this!?"

I ran over and hugged him. Surprisingly he didn't push me away. I looked up at makoto.

"makoto please I know they've done awful things but there parents tortured them to insanity! Do we have too punish them?"

Makoto though about it for a second then walked up to them with his hand out "you know future fondation is all about bringing hope to others so we could really use a couple of worriors of hope like you guys"

The kids looked at each other in surprise then nagisia took his hand. "we'll take you up on your offer but we haven't changed our minds about adults"

"hehe we'll work on that!" mokoto said winking at him.

I walked up to himiko confidently and took her hand "himiko baby we've been though so many life and death experiences it's crazy that we're still alive! And while we're still alive I want to ask you something" I got down on one knee "himiko will you marry me?"

Her eyes teared up and she hugged me "yes! Of course I will"

"hehe sorry I can't give you a wedding ring. This was kinda a last minute decision"

"oh I don't care about a stupid ring! I love you."

"I love you too baby"

Everyone clapped as I kissed my now fiancee. Maybe there is some hope left in this world.

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