Hopes Peak

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Kokichis pov

"kokichi wake up!" sayaka yelled shaking me.

"mmm is it time already" I mumbled sleepliy.

"yes now get up or your going to be late!"

I jumped up, got dressed and poured myself some cereal. Sayaka took a brush and started brushing my hair.

"got to at least make you look presentable" she muttered. I swear she acts more like a mom than a sister sometimes!

Once we were finished we rushed out of the house and took the nearest bus to hopes peak.

"wow its so big" I said as I stared at the hugh building.

"yep that's why I'm going to have to help you find the entrance hall" sayaka said.

"hey baby" Leon came out of nowhere, scooped sayaka up and kissed her. Leon and sayaka had been dating for two years now and seemed pretty happy. Leon was also really nice to me. Whenever he visits he gives me baseball lessons.

He turned to me and grinned. "hey buddy excited for you first day at hopes peak?"

"yep I can't wait!"

"that's the spirit" Leon said ruffling my hair "now let's get you to the entrance hall"

"that's what I was trying to do you big goofball" sayaka laughed.

After a lot of flirting we finally made it to the entrance hall.

"good luck honey" she said kissing me on the cheek. I rubbed my cheek feeling embarrassed and walked over to my classmates.

They were all so unique looking and tall! I took a seat next to a girl wearing a witch hat and was thankfully around my size.

"hi there my names kokichi mizono the ultimate Pop Sensation"

"I am himiko yumeno the ultimate mage"


"..... But most people just call me the ultimate magician"

"cool can you show me some magic?" I asked. She looked shocked.

"is something wrong?"

"it just not many people believe I can do real magic. Everyone says there just tricks. The only person that believes me besides you is Tenko and she's super creepy" she whispered the last part "I'm glad your at least normal"

I laughed. Himikos the first girl that didn't fangirl the minute she heard my name or see my face. I like her.

After a while headmaster kirigiri assigned us to a classroom and our teacher told us to pick a seat.

"hey himiko come sit next to me" Tenko said excitedly.

"kokichi I want to sit next to you" himiko said completely ignoring Tenko.

"Umm ok" I said happy that I made a friend.

Tenko spent the remainder of the class glaring at me. I think I made a enemy.

Once the bell rang for break me and himiko ran out to explore the garden. Tenko followed quickly behind

"himiko wait come spend time with me" Tenko begged.

Himiko turned around and glared at her "no I want to spend time with kokichi cause he's not creepy like you!"

"you think I'm creepy?" Tenko looked like she was going to cry. I felt bad for her.

"hey how about all three of us spend time together?" I suggested.

"ha like I'd ever spend time with a filthy degenerate like y-"

"you spend time with me and kokichi or you don't spend time with us at all" himiko threatened.

"fine" she grumbled.

With that the three of us explored the garden together.

ultimate Pop Sensation Kokichi mizono! Where stories live. Discover now