The Killing Game

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Kokichis pov

I watched the killing game my poor sister was thrown into. Slowly she started to lose it as that evil bear pushed them more and more and then the unspeakable happened. Sayaka my kind and beautiful sister was murdered by the man she loved. And he only killed her cause she attempted to kill her first. Then I had to watch big bro leon get beaten to death by baseballs.

I couldn't stop crying though the whole thing. My world was falling apart right in front of my eyes. Himiko held me tightly, rubbed circles in my back and whispered reassuring words into my ears. I don't know what I would do without her.

We went to bed early and cuddled into each other.

"why did you leave me" I opened my eyes to see sayaka standing in the distance.

"sayaka" I ran over to her but before I could touch her see became blood shocked with a knife in her chest.

"why did you abandon me? This is all your fault!"

Her cruel words kept echoing around the room. I covered my ears and said "I'm sorry" over and over until.

"kokichi wake up!" I shot up shaky and tearful. Himiko pulled me into a hug and rocked me gently back and forth.

"shhh it's ok baby you just had a nightmare" eventually I calmed down and lay back down with himiko. She ran her fingers through my hair the same way sayaka did.

"don't worry kichi I'll protect you no matter what!"

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