Motive Time!

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Legoshis pov

I sighed. I was standing in the gymnasium for yet another Motive to kill our friends. I wonder if Mr makoto and the others felt this tired?

"are you excited for the motive guys" Monokuma asked. None of us answered. We just glared at him.

"jeez tough crowd" Monokuma muttered "anyway this motives grate! It worked wonders on our other group"

"what other gro-"

"not important!" Monokuma cut me off "what is important is the motive! Are you ready to hear it?"

"just get on with it" yuka growled.

"fine fine! The motive is that if you kill you can take one person of your choice to leave with you. Pretty sweet deal huh?"

I can pick someone to leave with me? Sure I want to get out with my friends but there's no way I could just pick one person and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way! Right?

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