Sayakas Friends

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Kokichis pov

One week later

"bye himiko! Bye Tenko!" I yelled to the girls as I walked out of hopes peak gates. Sayaka and Leon were waiting for me with smug grins on their faces.


"don't you what me mister!" Leon said "I saw the way you looked at that little witch girl. You got a crush on her don't you?"

"what!? No I don't!" I said getting flustered.

"I guess we both like redheads huh kichi?" sayaka teased.

"no! Himikos a friend who just happens to be a girl! There nothing else going on!"

"hehe we know kichi we're just teasing you" sayaka said patting my head.

"we're going to hang out with our friends now. You wanna come?" Leon asked.

"sure!" I replied.

We walked to towa city diner and at our table sat a red eyed boy in a white uniform, a guy with stupid looking hair, a short girl, a short boy with a hogai, a guy who looks like he smokes weed for a living, a raven haired girl, a blonde girl with pigtails, a girl in sporty clothes, a buff girl and a violent haired girl.

"yo what up everyone!" Leon yelled catching everyone's attention.

"oh hey Leon, sayaka Umm who's the kid?" the weed man asked.

"oh this is sayakas kid brother kokichi! He's a first year at hopes peak" Leon explained.

"ahh a first year! How are you enjoying school young man? I hope you're following the rules" the red eyed boy said loudly.

"ahh you've mentioned your little brother before. Now that I'm meeting him I can say he remains me alot of you" the short boy said with a smile.

"hehe I'm glad you think so makoto" sayaka giggled.

We took a seat and sayaka introduced me to everyone. There name were taka, mondo, chihiro, makoto, Hiro, mukuro, junko, hina, sackura and kiyoko.

During the whole meal I could barely get a word in! Taka and mondo argued like a old married couple, chihiro and makoto tryed to defuse the situation, mukuro and kiyoko just stared at them with I'm so done with this shit expressions, Hiro rambled on about hating the occult, sackura and hina ignored everyone and just talked about sports stuff and junko just started at us with a creepy grin. Honestly I got bad vibes from that girl.

"wow big sis you sure have some interesting friends" I said as we walked back home.

"hehe were they a bit more for you?" sayaka asked.

"a little" I said feeling a little embarrassed.

She gave me a quick hug "don't worry you'll get used to there personalitys soon. Now let's get back home dad will get worried if we stay out too long."

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