Another Motive And Death

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Legoshis pov

We were sitting in the dinning room chatting when the monitor turned on showing that damn bears face!

"please come to the RV room for a surprise!"

"that can't be good" dalya muttered.

"Well we don't have much of a choice. We're his prisoners after all it would be unwise to define him" miyu said.

"she's right guys let's go" I said standing up on shaky legs.

Time skip

We made it to the RV room and waiting for us were a bunch of tapes with our names on it along with the title of your deepest secrets.

I put mine in and doubled over in shock! It was footage of a Killing Game. Mom and dad's killing game! This video was exploiting my deepest fear right in front of me. My fear that no one will trust me when they find out that I've had personal experience with the killing game. Judging by the looks on everyone's faces they seen similar things.

"oh kiyo!" aoi sobbed clinging to him.

"get off" kiyo said coldly


"get off! I don't like you and I never will! So LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Aoi burst into tears and ran away.

"maybe I was too harsh" kiyo muttered.

"yeah but she wasn't getting the message so it was nessasary" I said reassuringly.

He nodded and we all went to bed.

The next day

I was woken up at 5.30am by urgent knocking. I opened the door to see kiyo.

"what the hell are you doing waking me up at this time!? The Monokuma announcement hasn't even played yet" I complained.

"aois usually banging on my door at this time. I fear something bad has happened her"

"relax would you? She's probably still mad from last night you know how girls are now come on!" I dragged him over to her dorm and hammered at the door. No response.

I sighed "come on let's go to the dining hall I could use some coffee" kiyo reluctantly nodded.

We entered the dining hall and what was waiting for us laying in a pool of her own blood was aoi niomi.

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