The Loss Of A Friend

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Legoshis pov

Monokuma handed us out some food which I was grateful for and we all took our places at the stands. I never liked taro much. He always seems to happy at the trails but he did help out alot. A few times his help is what made me realise who the blackened is. Someone like that was killed for the sake of someone's selfish desire to leave. I will find taros killer no matter what!

"okay so how did the taro die? His head looked like it suffered some trauma" oda said tearfully.

"I believe he was killed by a sukujin" Kiyo said confidently.

"what's a sukujin?" miku asked

"as I've already explained to legoshi a sukujin is a weapon make from rope and a weight. It was made to throw at a victim from a far distant" Kiyo explained.

"ah I see so the killer hid somewhere and threw it at taro when he wasn't looking?" riku said.

Wait that's not right.

"that's more or less what happened yes" Kiyo said

That contradicts everything I found

"so someone threw a weight at his head? What a awful way to go" miku said tearfully.

"no that's wrong!" I yelled


"I do agree with you that the weight is what killed him but I don't think it was thrown at him"

"why not?" kay asked.

"Well just look at the end of the rope. It's clearly been cut. If you were simply throwing it then there would be no reason to cut the rope!"

"maybe the killer simply cut the rope cause it was too long" riku suggested.

"that's possible but the fact that I found a piece of rope tied to a hook makes me think overwise"

"Well when you put it like that I have to agree" Kiyo said

"what do you think happened legoshi?" kay asked.

"I believe that the weight was tied to the hook and hung over the bar on the ceiling. The killer cut it and the weight fell on taros head"

Oda gasped.

"what's wrong?" Kiyo asked.

"I just realised something" oda muttered "there's no way taro didn't notice the weight hanging over his head. It would have been really obvious. So he must have stood there knowing exactly what would happen."

" so your saying it was a suicide!?" riku gasped.

"I'd say it was a type of suicide" I agreed "but taro still would have needed help cutting the rope, from where he was standing he couldn't have cut it by himself. I'd say the only person he would have trusted with that task was... You kay"

"wow you got it right" she said smiling sweetly at us "you all did so well I didn't even have to give you any hints!"

Before I could say anything Monokuma popped up demanding that we vote for someone. So we all choosed kay... And got it right.

"why kay!? What about our promise? Was that all just a lie?" I yelled clenching my fists in anger.

"I did it because of our promise"


"we made a promise to only kill when we need to." she sighed "taro came to me the day we were trapped in here and asked me to kill him so that everyone here could escape. I didn't want to kill him so I asked him to wait just in case there's an exit but as days went on and things got more desperate I'd agreed. We both agreed that we couldn't let you all die a pointless death after everything we've been through and that's all there is to it."

I fell to my knees "why? Why did this have to happen?" I burst into tears. I couldn't take it. I didn't want to keep watching my friends die in front of me!

"it will be ok legoshi" kay said giving me a warm hug "the end is near, I can feel it! So you just gotta hold on until then"

"let's give it everything we've got! iiiits punishment Time!"

"goodbye friends"

Kay was placed in what looked to be the home page of a laptop. A pop up appeared saying.

Kay faradays punishment
Kill them with kindness

Suddenly a donation box appeared at the top right corner of the screen. The kind of donations streamers get from fans only this one fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a thud. The donation box would surely crush her and kay knew that as she got up and ran. The donation boxes kept falling and as she gained new followers the space around her became even smaller. Eventually there was nowhere left to run and kay was crushed to death by a 10k donation box.

Before I could even contiplate what I just saw a strange gas filled the room immediately knocking us all out.

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