Double Kidnapping!

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Kokichis pov

Twelve years later

"wake up uncle kokichi"

I woke up to see my fifteen year old nephew. I'm kinda embarrassed to say that he's grown taller then me!

"what up kid" I asked.

"what's up!? Only the fact that I'm starting the best school in the world!" there were literal stars in his eyes.

"oh yeah your starting hopes peak. Its a great school just doesn't have the best history."

"I still can't believe someone like me got into that amazing school" he muttered.

"oh hush! Your a amazing actor and the school noticed that! You deserve to be in that school just as much as everyone else"

"thanks uncle" he smiled bashfully.

"man what a year! First your auntie gets pregnant then you get accepted into hopes peak" I smiled blissfully.

"oh yeah I totally going to be a big cousin! How nerve-wracking!

"you think your nervous I'm going to be a dad!" I pulled in into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you kid! Now let's go get some breakfast."

We dashed into the kitchen and my darling wife was cooking pancakes.

"morning legoshi! I made you pancakes to celebrate your big day" she placed the pancakes in front of him and kissed him on the head

"thanks aunt himiko!" legoshi beamed.

"are you doing alright hun? Any morning Sickness?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I haven't been too bad." she said stroking my cheek "I'm really excited for our baby"

"my too" I beamed "you know for a pregnant woman you are really cute"

"oh look at the time I better get going bye!" legoshi yelled pointing at the clock but I had a suspicion that he just wanted to get away before we got gross as he calls it.

"alright bye legoshi"

"good luck kid!"

Time skip

I was walking around future fondation headquarters with kaito, shuichi and gonta. Like me their wife's couldn't come in because they were pregnant. Even gonta managed to get a woman who we never met pregnant. We were excited though cause that meant our kids would be in the same class as each other!

We walked past a room and heard a terrifying conversation.

"are you sure?"

"yes two whole classes went missing and their teachers were killed. Seems their planning a double killing game"

My blood ran cold.

"what did you say?"

"kokichi" makoto said looking surprised.

"those two classes in hopes peak that went missing was legoshi in that class?"

Please say no please say no please say no

Makoto sighed "I'm afraid so"

I felt like breaking down but I had to get to the bottom of this!

"who's behind this? Could it be the future Fondation member that freed monika twelve years ago?"

"a good theory but I'm afraid miss de angilo was executed five years ago for the murder of twelve families and the torture of her own children so she can't be involved" Byakuya explained.

"than what are we suppose to do?" I said panicking.

"kokichi I understand. My little oda was kidnapped too (she adopted oda after chihiros dad died) but you need to calm down"

"calm down! Legoshis the only thing I have left of sayaka and I'm about to lose him! I can't take this anymore I can't!"

"hey! You look at me" makoto said shaking my shoulders "legoshis not going to die! I won't let him!"

It's then that I finally broke down. Makoto held me close while I cried. Why? Why do I have to lose everything I love!

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