A Promise

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Legoshis pov

I got up to the sound of knocking. It was probably oda. I opened the door to kay?

"Umm hey kay. What ya doing here?" I asked.

"please come to the dining hall. There's something important we need to talk about" with that kay walked away. I walked into the dining hall and noticed that everyone was already there. Kay must have already called everyone up. This talk must be important.

I sat next to oda and riku. kay stood up with a determined look in her eyes.

"when we were first trapped here there was sixteen of us. Now there's only seven of us"

We looked down sadly. So many lives have been taken in this blood bath of a game.

"that why I decided that we have to make a promise here. I know it too much to ask for you to never kill but I think we should all agree that we should only kill when necessary. Can everyone get on board with that?"

We all nodded and put our hands together. This promise filled us with hope. Something we haven't felt in a long time. I wonder if this is what Mr makoto meant when he talked about a hope that could wipe away all Dispair? If that's the case then hope is definitely something we need right now.

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