Hopes Peaks Talent Show

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Kokichis pov

"alright everyone" our teacher announced loudly "today I would like to announce that next week we will be holding a talent show! And now just any talent show we will be putting you in pairs and you will be preforming a show together using your ultimate talents"

We all started muttering excitedly.

"alright kids settle down. I'll call out your groups now."

The groups turned out to be..

Keade and miu.
Rantaro and shuichi
Kaito and kiibo
Maki and Kirumi
Gonta and ryoma
Tenko and angie
Tsmugi and korekiyo
And me and himiko.

I looked over at her and smiled. Tenko looked jealous but she didn't complain. I think I'm finally winning her over. Himiko gently tapped my shoulder.

"hey kokichi should we plan out and practice our routine at break and dinner? I don't have enough mp to do it longer than that"

"sure" I said rolling my eyes fondly.

She smiled cutely at me "okay! This is going to be a lot of fun!"

I nodded in response. Saying this is going to be fun doesn't even conpere to how I feel. Spending so much time with himiko is more like a dream come true!

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