Calas Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"hey cala what to hang out with me?" I asked. I always feel better when I'm with her.

"sure thing legoshi" she said sweetly.

We spent the whole day playing piano and reading script lines. Me and cala got a little closer today.

"it's been forever since I last seen you. How's your mom?"

"oh you know working as usual" she said bitterly.

"are you ok cala?"

She sighed "well don't get me wrong I love my mom and I know she works at future Fondation so she can make the world a better place for me but I get lonely you know like no one ever has time for me"

I took her hand "Well tell you what I promise I'll always have time for you no matter what my sadules like and if I ever forget you can smack me over the head!"

She hugged me "thanks legoshi your the nicest boy I've ever met"

I blushed lightly. I've never had a girl tell me that before!

Fte 2
"hey legoshi?" I turned around to see cala smiling at me. Man she has a beautiful smile!

"what's up cala?" I asked.

"nothing much just wanted to spend time with you" she giggled.

"Well I won't argue with that!" I chuckled

We went to the music room and I listened to her play piano.

"your so talented" I smiled.

"thanks" she smiled sweetly "you know when mum was out working for future Fondation I would practice on the huge piano in the empty space. It was how I cope with the loneliness. One day mom heard me playing and insisted that I play in my schools talent show and I ended up winning. That's how I ended up becoming the ultimate peinst"

"that's amazing" I muttered.

She pulled me into a hug "thanks for spending time with me legoshi. I feel so much better when I'm around you" she left me with a goofy smile on his face.

Fte 3
"hey legoshi what's your type in women" cala asked suddenly. I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"what!" I yelped.

"calm down its just a question" she giggled.

"Hmm well I guess my type is kind hearted girl who enjoys music" I said making her blush.

"hehe your quite forward" she giggled.

"so what's your type" I asked.

"Well I do like blue haired boys who are into acting" it was my turn to blush.

She came closer to me. Oh god are we going to kiss? I prepared myself for my first kiss but it was quickly interrupted by a Monokuma annocement. I sighed as we walked to the gym. Oh well there's always tomorrow.

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