Locked Room Mystery

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Legoshis pov

The seven of us sat at the dining table laughing when Monokuma face appeared in the monitor.

"hey guys a new area has opened up! Wanna check it out?" the monitor turned off

"it's could be a trap" Kiyo muttered.

"perhaps but we should still check it out" kay said

So we went to check it out.

Aikos pov

I was stuffing my face with food since I hadn't had a bite to eat all day when that bear appeared on the monitor and immediately put me off my food.

"hey guys a new area has opened up! Wanna check it out?" the monitor turned off.

It's so clearly a trap it's painful but I must say curiosity got the better of me and that stupid bear would have probably made us go anyway so we got up and walked to the new area.

Legoshis pov

We made it to the new area which turned out to be the second floor of the boys dormitory. I guess we really are trapped in some abandoned school. Most likely a bourding school since there's so many dormitories.

We walked in but the doors immediately shut behind us. I pounding on the door but Monokuma popped up giggling.

"welcome to the next motive! You kids are trapped here without food or water so you better start killing before you starve to death!"


Aikos pov

We made it to the new area which turned out to be the second floor of the girls dormitory. I guess we really are trapped in some abandoned school. Most likely a bourding school since there's so many dormitories. But how the hell did the manage to start a Killing Game in a abandoned school without anyone noticing!?

We walked in but the doors immediately shut behind us. I pounding on the door but Monokuma popped up giggling.

"welcome to the next motive! You kids are trapped here without food or water so you better start killing before you starve to death!"


Legoshis pov

I couldn't believe it. We were trapped in here without any food or water. If someone doesn't kill we're all going to die!

"legoshi calm yourself" Kiyo said placing a hand on my shoulder. I must have been shaking I didn't even realise it. I nodded and smiled gratefully.

"guys we were having fun before this right?" oda said tearfully.

"hey we can still have fun guys. In fact this is like an adventure so let's explore!" I said trying to reassure everyone.

"kay can you and me speak alone?" taro asked.

"sure" she replied and followed the white and purple haired boy. I wonder what they need to talk about?

Aikos pov

"open the door damnit!" raioku and Yuuya yelled kicking at the door.

"stop it already!" I snapped at them "if it was that easy to get out then they wouldn't have locked us in here in the first place!" I felt tears run down my cheeks. I was so frustrated. How are we supposed to avoid a murder when the stacks are so high?

Suddenly I was pulled into a hug by raioku "easy aiko it's going to be ok. I promise I'll get us out of here"

"dumbass why you always got to be such a hero" I sobbed into his chest.

"don't know. Guess it's just in my blood" he chuckling.

"hey guys I checked out the bedrooms and there pretty nice" miku said cheerfully.

Raioku smiled gently at me "come on let's get a early night's rest you look like you could use it"

"heh thanks" I said wiping my tears away. I chose a room and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. If only it was that easy to escape this hell.

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