Hataros Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"you wanna hang out with me? Sounds sweet my brother" he pulled me into a hug and then dragged me away.

He took me into an empty room and practiced what he called manwa prayer with me. I guess its some weird religion he believes in but I've never heard of it before! It was surprising relaxing though.

"pretty great huh my brother!" hataro said suddenly.

"yeah it's surprising relaxing" I said.

"of course it's relaxing my brother! When you do manwa your at the centre of the universe! All your little problems mean nothing once you enter manwa!"

"huh that's interesting" I muttered

"Well our prayer session is over. See you my brother!" he got up and left. Hitaro is a strange guy but he doesn't strike me as bad. Maybe if I hang out with him more I'll understand him better.

Fte 2

"welcome back my brother!" hitaro said hugging me.

"Umm you could just call me legoshi you know" I said.

"no way my brother! Manwa teaches us that every person should be treated like family so that makes you my brother!" he grinned.

"you know I never heard of manwa before"

"really! It's a religion that's been passed down from my family for generations" are you sure they didn't make it up!?

"could you tell me a bit about it?" I asked.

"ah! I've always wanted the chance to talk about my devine religion!" he said looking excited. "ok well the first rule is you must never harm another person whether it be with your fists or word and if someone insults you you must forgive them"

"wow I don't know if I'd be able to do that" I muttered.

"it's not that hard to forgive" he insisted "honestly I feel sorry for anyone who acts cruel for no reason. They most likely are neglected by their parents and are acting out as a means for attention or as a way to look cool in front of others. When I think about that I can easily forgive them" he's starting to make sense.

"I think I understand" I muttered.

"wow really! No one ever seems to understand me. They all think I'm weird" he chuckled

"Well I don't think your weird at all. I think your pretty cool" I grinned.

"cool huh? I like the sound of that my brother!" he grinned back.

Little by little I'm starting to understand this strange boy.

Fte 3
"hey my brother do you want to eat lunch with me" hitaro asked.

"sure I'm starving" I said.

He took me to the dining hall and handed out a... Vegan meal.

"Umm I'm guessing your vegan"

"heck yeah I am my brother! There no way I'd ever harm a innocent animal just so I can eat" he looked so serious.

"I can see why they made you the ultimate peace maker" I chuckled.

"yeah" he laughed along with me. After a while his face went serious "you know I never wanted this ultimate"


"yeah. According to manwa your supposed to do kind deeds without getting a reward so when I was gifted this ultimate I thought I was committing some kind of sin and being trapped here was my punishment!"

"that's a pretty messed up punishment" I muttered.

"yeah but it hasn't been all bad. I got to meet you after all" he said smacking me on the back.

"heh thanks man" I chuckled.

"ok now how about we dig in" he started eating his food. I nervously took a bite and...

"wow its actually good" I gasped.

"see! Vegan food isn't as desgusting as everyone thinks!" hataro grinned.

We sat there eating together. I think I understand why hitaros such a pasafist now.

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