Aois Free Time Events

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Fte 1
"huh you want to hang out with me?" Aoi said.

"yeah is that a problem?" I asked

"Well your not Kiyo but I guess I it's ok" she said flashing me a shark tooth grin.

She took me to the dining hall and challenged me to an eating contest. She sure is a strange girl.

"so legoshi" Aoi said suddenly looking shy "your kiyos best friend right?"

"Umm yeah"

"could you tell me some stuff about him" her face was bright red. This must be embarrassing for her to talk about.

"Hmm well he's a good guy who doesn't lose his temper easily but he dose tend to take too much on. He loves reading and his favourite animal is cats-"

"cats! Of course!" she exclaimed suddenly "who doesn't love cats! Next time I see him I'll start up a confersation about cats! Thanks legoshi!" she gave me a quick hug before running. I guess I helped out?

Fte 2
"legoshi there you are!" Aoi suddenly yelled.

"huh? You were looking for me?" I questioned.

"Well I can't find Kiyo anywhere so your the next best thing" she grinned. Man she is layed back.

We went to the library through we couldn't stay there for long since Aoi was super loud and oda had to politely asked us to leave.

"anyway can you tell me more about Kiyo?"

"huh? This again?"

"please! I have no idea how to talk to him and I don't want him to hate me!"

"ok ok I'll help you" I said feeling embarrassed from all the begging. "well let's see. Oh here's one! Kiyo loves chocolate chip muffins but always has to bake his own so if you bake some for him I'm sure he'd be very happy!"

"awesome idea! Man your like the best Wingman ever!" I never considered myself one till now!

She ran off leaving me very confused.

Fte 3
"hey aoi do you mind if I ask you something"

"sure ask away best Wingman" she grinned.

"why do you love Kiyo?"

She froze but soon gained her composer "Well you see I grew up without a mom or dad the only family I had was my brother. When he died I felt broken like I was all alone in this world but when I saw Kiyo my loneliness faded away. He looked just like my brother so I immediately felt a connection with him but as I got to know him as a person I realised how kind and conpassointe he was. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Is that weird"

"no not at all! I think it's beautiful" I smiled.

"aww thanks man" she said giving me a light punch on the arm. "you've been nothing but supportive since I met you. Your a great friend and that's why I'm going to tell Kiyo how I feel"

"that's great! I wish you the best of luck" I hugged her and she ran off. I hope things work out for them.

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