Overprotective Friend

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Hanakos pov

I was standing in a room with a blue haired boy who was nervously fiddling with his tie.

"what's wrong legoshi?" I asked.

He jumped a mile "whoe hanako you scared me!" the boy muttered looking embarrassed.

"it's not my fault your a scardy cat!" he shot me a glare "so what you freaking out about?"

He sighed "tonight I'm going to propose to Mai and I'm nervous that I might mess it up"

I burst out laughing. He glared at me again.

"hay! It's not funny!" he yelled.

"dude what are you so nervous about? Just get out there and do it! You'll do awesome like you always do!"

He smiled and ruffled my hair "thanks hanako. I'm lucky to have a cool little cousin like you"

"yeah yeah now get out there you big dummy" I said pushing him out the door.

"alright I'm going I'm going!"

I woke up from yet another strange dream. The blue haired man is new but somehow I feel close to him. I shouldn't duell on it. There's more important things to do.

I walked to the dining hall to find sataro and token in the middle of a heated argument.

"now listen here tanaka! I know you like kimari but stalking her is not ok and as her friend I won't stand for it!" token yelled.

"quiet insolent fool! Your only speaking that way because you like her!" sataro argued.

"no I don't!" token yelped

"hey break it up you guys we shouldn't be fighting" I yelled catching the attention of the two boy.

"but he-"

"I don't want to hear it!" I said cutting them off "do you really think kimari would be happy seeing you two act this way?"

Token sighed "fine I'll back off" he walked out of the dinning hall.

I turned to sataro "token right sataro you shouldn't stalk kimari so much. That's not the way you treat the people you love!"

"very well I'll back off too" sataro said as he exited the dinning hall.

I let out a huge sigh. If things keep getting heated like this I don't know how much longer I'll last!

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